No Comparison

As I studied the beauty of the gladiolas in a vase on my kitchen table, my mind wandered…Man is pretty smart, clever even.  But, can man fashion a delicate flower this beautiful?  It blooms from the bottom and gradually works its way to the top until the entire stem is open.  It’s a gift that keeps on giving, it seems.

Can man create a sunrise or a sunset that can almost take one’s breath away?  Can man carve the Grand Canyon, or create the stars that light up the sky?

Can man create a human in the body of another human?

Those who discount the reality of God work overtime to try to convince others (and, perhaps themselves) that God does not exist.  This has always fascinated me on several levels, not the least of which is:  why work so hard to prove something (or, Someone) does NOT exist?  If that’s true, why waste your time?

Paul wrote in Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

Look around.  The evidence is everywhere.  With God, there is literally NO COMPARISON.


“I am the Lord and there is no other…”  (Psalm 45:5)


  1. Linda

    Well, that’s a different perspective and I like it, especially this line, “why work so hard to prove something (or, Someone) does NOT exist? If that’s true, why waste your time?” It speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing your insights. God bless you, Teri.
    BTW, your gladiolas are gorgeous!

  2. LINDA L

    Gladiolas were my mothers favorite flower…then became mine, too. Incomparable indeed…Like our Master creator!! Thanks, Teri!

  3. Linda Christian

    I love your comments about “nobody BUT God”. Amen!

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