
Doesn’t the word “nightlight” sound like a contradiction in terms?  After all, night is dark.  Sit outside when the sun goes down and witness the darkness.  Of course, God made the moon and stars to light the night, but have you ever heard someone refer to something as “dark as night” and understood exactly what they were saying?

Children are often afraid of the dark.  It’s scary not to be able to see what’s around you and instead, envision all sorts of frightening creatures.  It’s why kids pull the covers over their heads where it’s even darker but at least it makes the “boogeyman” go away…    😉

In the darkness, it’s hard to find your way.  We have a few nightlights in our house, and though the bulbs are small, it’s amazing how much even that small amount of light can help to find the way. It doesn’t have to be a floodlight or a high beam; just even a trace of light can illumine the darkness.

We, as adults, are also frightened by what we cannot see.  We fear the future because we can’t see it.  Many of us also fear the darkness.  Go into a small room, leave the light off and sit awhile.  It won’t be long before you’ll wish you had even a match to offer a glimmer of light.

Often when we think of our world today, we may become discouraged and view our times as troubling and dark.  Even a small light can make a difference.  Jesus said He was the Light of the world, that He was indeed the Way.  He also said, “Let your light shine before men…”  (Matthew 5:16)

When you think of the darkness of the night, think of that small bulb which offers even a glimmer of light to show the way.  You and I don’t need to be the “brightest bulb in the box” (as is often said) to make a difference.  We just have to let our light shine and let God do the rest.


“…but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of the light.”   (Ephesians 5:8)



  1. Cathy

    Teri, you have such a gift and bring encouragement to so many through your writing! Thank you for today’s post. A great reminder!❤️🤗

  2. Linda M Christian

    Love this idea…even a small light can make a difference. Beautifully written Teri!

  3. Pam Bayha

    Amen to the two previous comments. Your posts are full of truth and this one particularly encouraging. Thanks and blessings to you!❤

  4. Larry

    Was overwhelmed a little yesterday so it was so encouraging to be able to sit down and read your blog and be encouraged again. Thanks Teri

  5. Marilin

    Teri, you are a light in my life.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    I recently heard it said that we can see light well from darkness. It implies that darkness will push us toward the Light. May it be so!!
    Thanks, Teri

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