Anyone who knows me knows that I love cards. I especially like the goofy ones that make you laugh. I once saw one that made the statement, “I have one nerve left” and went on to say (on the inside) “and you’re on it!”
Have you ever felt that way? I’ve been feeling that way a lot lately. The littlest things irritate me. And, even hanging around with MYSELF annoys me. (That’s a tough spot!)
I’ve honestly tried to figure out my problem. Is it the fact that I just lost my sister? That’s definitively a punch in the stomach.
Is it everything going on around us? Society? Certainly common sense has virtually disappeared. So much of what we hear spoken as though it were fact has absolutely no basis in reality. Yet, we are expected to swallow it and proclaim its wisdom. So many people today believe only what they (and those who agree with them) say is valid and has any value. Others are to be silenced. No more free speech. But, can’t we just agree to disagree – and still appreciate each other?
How about concern for the future? Given the fact that a small minority of society now seems to be getting the most attention at the expense of everyone else, how will this affect life for the generations to come? Children are exposed to things before they are mature enough to even understand them. Not only are drugs rampant, but girls (in particular) have taken to cutting themselves as a way of expressing and experiencing their pain. When will the adults in the room wake up and take responsibility?
Have all these things zapped my patience? Most definitively. Every generation has worried about those coming after them. It seems one of the costs of getting older is fretting over “what’s this world coming to?”
So, what are my (our) options?
- Stay cranky and short-fused. That makes me – and everyone around me – miserable.
- Become blah and uninterested. Give up. This, of course, accomplishes nothing.
- Remember our strength comes from the One who made us. Seek Him continually. Rely on Him: His presence as we grieve, His strength as we falter, His promises as we fret, His guidance as we seek to be a help and not a hindrance.
It’s up to each of us to choose – sometimes moment by moment. How are we doing so far?
“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And, why have you become so disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” (Psalm 42:5)
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 42:1)
Amen! Thanks again, Teri!
I needed this Teri! Thank you!
I think we become contaminated by the attitudes and pressures around us. Are they somewhat or completely contagious! The Lord told Israel (Isaiah 41:10) “FEAR NOT! For I am with you and will uphold you with my strong right hand.” Israel’s greatest enemies, Assyria & Babylon have long since vanished. Our enemies will, too. Thank you for the reminder that we must remain faithful and turn to HIM when stressed and destressed, trusting Him alone!
What would we be without him? Unfortunately that’s most of the world! Our mission field!
Our sizzling summer temps are not helping either! Even the plants and trees are distressed. Pressure is on all around us. God is our shelter and strength. He is our comfort too.
When I’m irritated, cranky and out of sorts, I have to ask myself what I bring to the table. Usually it’s me, although I blame others, politics, society, and whatever else that’s going on around me, even family. But, it’s me. I am the one who’s focus has slipped. God first, His strength and power to overcome. I think God is not happy when I’m cranky, upset, having a bad day, because He’s saying “Here I am, where are you?”
NICE!! Worry less because God has it all under control even when we don’t see!
I’m reminded of the words of the song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.