Are you someone who doesn't subscribe to the notion that there is a God or that you might need Him in your life? You're doing pretty well on your own. …
2 to 1. What does that mean? Could it be two people against one, as in a confrontation of some sort? Maybe it's the score of a baseball game (properly…
For my recent birthday, my son and daughter-in-law sent me a beautiful Hibiscus plant. Well, the one they ordered was beautiful. As it happens, shipping has often been delayed lately…
When one of my granddaughters was around two years old, she started asking everyone, "Happy???" Then, one day when she was misbehaving, she ran directly to her mom and asked,…
Have you ever walked through a parking lot and unknowingly gotten gum on your shoe? You labor and work so hard to get it off. What a struggle! You try…
Is prayer a struggle for you? Is it something that feels uncomfortable or that you put off or don't even think about? Maybe you've heard someone pray one of those…
My Aunt Margaret was the quintessential mom: every burner on the stove going because none of her offspring liked the same thing; whipping up pies and even homemade donuts that…
Ever suffered from the "3 B's"? Bummed, bored and blah? Bummed is simply feeling down...Frustrated, upset, maybe stressed, but definitely "down in the dumps", as it used to be called. …
Several weeks ago on my walk, I passed by this ugly cactus on my way and questioned why anyone would choose to plant such a thing in their yard. Imagine…