My Friend Faith

Many years ago the Lord blessed me with a small Norweigan woman in my life whose name is Faith.  Names often describe something about the person.   This lovely lady has the perfect name because she is the epitome of someone who lives by faith and trusts in the Lord with all her heart.  We are to emulate Christ so that He is reflected in us when we meet others, and Faith does this.  Wherever she goes, those who meet her have a genuine feeling of being in the presence of the Lord.  She literally radiates His joy and peace.  Her favorite saying is, of course, from Scripture:  “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”  (Psalm 118:24)   

Fiercely independent (dependent only on the Lord), she just recently moved into an assisted living at the ripe old age of 99!  Over the years I have witnessed her caring for her husband as he slipped into dementia, then experiencing his loss after 71 years of marriage.  She has willingly given up her car, endured several weeks in rehab after a fall and then given up her home of 25 years without so much as a whimper.

I once gave her a devotional/prayer book which I was relieved and surprised to find she did not yet have in her vast collection of similar tomes.  She now has probably 100 names written all over the margins for whom she prays on a regular basis.

Faith would love to be your friend, too, if she had the opportunity to meet you.  She would be warm and accepting and caring and give you peace just by being in her presence.  But, she would also tell you that you, too, could have that same faith.  It’s available to all who simply ask for it.


“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.”  (Matthew 7:7)


  1. Pam Bayha

    What a beautiful tribute to Faith. She is such and inspiration and pure joy to be around…just as you said. Happy 99th Birthday Faith!

  2. Larry

    Blessed to be with her yesterday and all of you. Kinda like it’ll be in heaven. Enjoying Him and His together!!! Selfishly I’m looking forward to one in particular!

  3. Faith: her name so fits her. I told her the Lord kept her here for 99 years to she could continue to
    bless all who comes in contact with her. I told her I would miss her pink carpeting. Her response
    was “the new owners have probably changed it already
    We love you Faith.
    Nancy Brody

  4. Donna

    So lovely!! Gentle endurance is how I think of Faith. Happy Birthday!!

  5. Anna May M Riddell

    She is such a blessing to us all. After all she has been through the first question she asked me is how is JACK? It has been so long since she has seen him and I think she only met him twice. Amazing.
    Her name says it all. I am grateful and blessed to know her and love her ;l

  6. Sandra Nagel

    What an amazing and awesome person!! She does radiate the love of Jesus!! Just saying hi to her always makes you feel better!! Thank you for being a great role model !!

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    Faith … my friend, too! She says, “Accept and feast on the Bread of Life, or your toast!” She is a treasure and we appreciate this honor for her!

  8. Martha Emmons

    What a joy and a blessing it is to have Faith as a friend. She is always an encouragement to me. One of God’s special people. I love you Faith.

  9. Marilin

    I always tell Faith that when I grow up I want to be just like her. She is a role model beyond compare. Jesus loves her and so do I. You have honored her well.

  10. Norma Godshall

    Faith was so willing to pray for needs we would give to her. When I called her in the evening to request prayer she promised me she would pray for that before going to bed. What a blessing to know her.

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