Made To Be Broken

We are a strange lot, aren’t we?  We often say things without thinking and make promises we can’t keep just to make ourselves or someone else feel better.  At this time of year we make New Years Resolutions.  How did that ever get started?  And, to what purpose?  Do we actually have any intention of keeping them, or are we just kidding ourselves?

Every January the gym fills up – for the first few weeks.  It’s a different situation, having to wait for a machine or a weight bench.  But, the regulars just wave it off, knowing in a very short time, things will go back to normal as those who have promised themselves they will “get back at it”, again fall by the wayside.

I gave up making resolutions years ago.  What’s the point?  That may sound negative.  After all, who wouldn’t want to do better, make improvements?

You’ve probably noticed that children imitate their parents.  They watch every move, listen to every word and follow that example.  It makes being a parent an incredible responsibility.  So, along that line, instead of specific resolutions, I think this year I’ll just strive to be more like the Heavenly Father.  Care to join me?


“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children…”    (Ephesians 5:1)


  1. Cathy


  2. Pam Bayha


  3. Larry

    Yes! Amen!!

  4. Martha Emmons

    Wise words indeed. Thank you.

  5. Donna Richards

    Imitate the Father; what worthy striving! Good one, Teri!! There are eyes watching you too. 🙂

  6. Marilin

    I resolve to do that!

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    Fully agree!!

  8. Linda

    Beautiful! Thank you!

  9. Maria

    I love this! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Teri.

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