Last One Standing

My sister died.

I’m lost.  Where do I go from here?  My big sister is gone.  I feel like I am suddenly alone.  When I shared this with one of my sons, he responded so kindly, “But, you still have us.”  Absolutely.  But, it’s not the same.  My middle son has a saying, “People don’t get it until it affects them.”  This is so true.  A few years ago when my husband lost his brother, I said the same thing to him about still having “us”.  I didn’t get it then, but I do now.  When Dave asked me the other day how I was feeling, my response was simply, “Left behind.”  I saw a picture of my mom, my dad, my sister and me taken when I was a child.  As I looked at it, I was reminded of the scene in Back to the Future when Marty looks at a photograph and one by one, people start disappearing.

A friend lost her husband several months ago.  She has seemed forgetful and explained to me that since the loss, she has felt certain “brain fog” that doesn’t seem to go away.  I can now relate.  Lately the days seem to run together and my mind seems cloudy at times, sort of dazed.

When my dad got into his seventies, I noticed that he was fascinated by little kids.  Wherever we went, he would stop and observe them, watching them discover new things and find life so amazing.  He would smile and so enjoy the freshness of their approach.  I can understand that now, too.  Society, politics, and (dare I say it) religion have become so convoluted as to be depressing.  Being with children is a breath of fresh air.  They have no idea how precious life is, but they enjoy it anyway.

Yes, I feel alone now.  (Has anyone else felt this?)  It’s lonely at the top.  Yet, here I am so I still have a job to do.  There are needs to be met and people to help and grandchildren to relish.

I noticed that “died” is a four-letter word.  But, so is “love”.  It occurred to me that love + died = hurt.    That’s the cost of loving.  But, do we really want to sacrifice love to avoid the hurt?

Death is definitely the enemy.  How do we fight it?  The answer is that WE don’t.  Christ did that for us.  Because of that, there’s a reunion coming.  What a glorious day that will be!  Meanwhile, we grieve, but “not as those without hope.”  (1 Thessalonians 4:13)


“The last enemy that will be abolished is death.”  (1 Corinthians 15:26)

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”   (Matthew 5:4)


  1. Kathleen D Pieti

    Dear Teri
    So sorry for your loss, but happy for your sister’s victory. Kathy Pieti

  2. Stephanie

    “The cost of loving.” ❤️

  3. Mary W

    So sorry for your loss.
    I “get it.”
    Thank you for pouring out your heart.

  4. Pam Bayha

    Dear Teri,
    I am so very sorry. You are in my prayers. Wish I were close by to give you a hug. Lovingly, Pam

  5. Marnie

    Hugs! So true that we never know what it feels like until it happens to us, but just know that with God’s love and the support of family you are never alone 🙂

  6. Larry

    So Sorry for your loss Teri. You described so well the way I’ve felt for nearly 3 yrs now. Feelings and loss don’t go away at least for me but there is hope. Thanks for pouring out your heart. I have complete empathy with you.

  7. Carol MacCleary

    Praying for you. Loosing a loved one is painful. You are held in His tender loving care.

  8. Sandra

    Most of us have experienced some semblance of your sense of loss. I wonder if it isn’t one’s way of honoring that loved one. Time and memories, and the grace of God, move us on in due time.
    Thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you, Teri.

  9. Linda

    I’m sorry for your great loss, Teri. May our glorious God bless you with peace, comfort, perseverance and love…I speak Jesus over you. You will be in my prayers.

  10. Sharon Elliott

    So sorry for your loss–sending a hug to you. I do understand how you feel. God is by your side.

  11. Sandi Nagel

    Oh Teri, I am soso very sorry!! We are never ready!! Life is precious and you are loved by many!!! No words are necessary! Loss is loss! God knows our ache! Praying for you dear friend!! Biggest hugs ❤️

  12. Jan

    So sorry your loss. We receive comfort through our faith but the loss is a heartache. Memories are precious.

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