Kicking Against the Goads

Kicking against the goads?  What does that mean?  Wiktionary says it is to “struggle against one’s fate”.  The Greeks and Romans used it to mean “ruinous resistance”.  We find it in the Bible as the Lord spoke to Saul:

“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?  It is hard for you to kick against the goads.”  (Acts 26:4)

Saul had been chasing down new believers to harm them.  When he was struck blind on the Damascus road, it was an illustration of the blindness he suffered in fighting against the Lord and His truth.  Yet, he was given his sight and from then on he followed the path God had for him.

Kicking against the goads is like a cow trying to fight against a cattle prod.  He isn’t going to win and will even cause himself undue frustration and pain.  When was the last time you saw a small child having a temper tantrum?  You know what it looks like:  the wee one rolling around on the floor, yelling and screaming, kicking and fighting, not wanting to cooperate, go where led or do what she must.  Maybe she has to do something or do without something.  Whatever it is, she isn’t a happy camper.

Speaking of which, how are you doing in the midst of these different days?  We’ve been pretty spoiled (like the toddler) being able to do lots of things, go places, visit friends and family at will.  Suddenly, we find ourselves in lockdown.  People are in hospitals with no visitors allowed.  Some are in nursing homes and even dying alone.  My heart breaks for those dear ones.  We have loved ones we want to protect, but we have to stay away, wear masks that are hot and make it hard to breathe fresh air.  We have no idea when life will get back to whatever “normal” might be when this calms down – or even when that will be.  The news is all about disease and dying.  It’s confusing and depressing.  I feel like the kid in the store having a giant fit.  But, to what end?  How does that help anything?  What are we to do in the meantime and what is God doing or trying to teach us through this?

I wish I had answers to those questions.  There is so much we don’t know.  But, we do know that our hope is in the Lord who made heaven and earth.  We are to be:

“joyful in hope, patient in affliction and devoted to prayer.”    (Romans 12:12)

Apparently, I need an “attitude adjustment”.  When I whine about not being able to see my family, I am “kicking against the goads”.  The sun still comes up every morning.  The flowers bloom and the birds continue to sing.  Our needs (and more) are met.  We have blessings beyond measure.  If you’ve been kicking and screaming your way through quarantine and a different kind of life, maybe you and I need to “accentuate the positive” (count our blessings)  each day.  We’ve been focusing on the wrong thing instead of the Right(eous) One.            🙂


  1. Henry Munzinger

    Trust in God, He is all knowing, THY WILL BE DONE.

  2. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, so well said. I can take the lesson and remember my “disappointments” are nothing when compared to others who may be sick and without the pleasure of company. This reminder makes peace flow like a river when I’m in right attitude. THANK YOU!

  3. Todd

    2020 is a tough year. But to your point about looking at the positive, it’s already halfway through. I’ve written off 2020 but have high hopes for 2021

  4. Marilin

    God is sovereign. He knows what He’s doing. I can’t help but believe that good will come out of all this chaos. At my age I may not be here to see it, but I believe God has a plan and that it will glorify Him, and I believe Jeremiah 29:11. I can be content, and trust God for His promises. These past few months, and the ones in the future will not define my life.

  5. Donna

    Focus is so key! Great exhortation Teri. This is the “news” we need to hear.

  6. Carol

    Thanks Teri for this timely message. My heart and mind need to stay focused on the abundent blessings that Jesus sends my way every day!

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