Just One Day?

Your heart is pounding.  You’re literally dripping in sweat.  Your buddy next to you has just been shot, but you’re being told to keep moving forward.  Straight ahead toward the darkness of the jungle – the spot where the grenades and bullets are coming from.  Straight, it would seem, into hell.  You’re 19 years old and home is somewhere on the other side of the globe.  Terror and your weapon are your constant companions, but you run forward – still sweating, heart still pounding.

And, then you wake up.  Thank goodness it was just a bad dream.

But, for many it’s not a dream; it’s reality.  Some are still in the thick of it.  Others awake in the long, dark night even today with the memory as fresh as yesterday.  They served, they fought and when they came home to our spoiled and self-centered world they were EXPECTED to assimilate, to automatically fit in and adjust.

Veterans Day is this Saturday.  “Happy” Veterans Day is an oxymoron.  Sure, they can be relieved to have gotten home, though some are still living with their injuries.  But, what about the buddy next to them who didn’t make it?

May this not be just one day of the year, but anytime.  We wake up from our nightmares.  They may still be living theirs.  Show some appreciation to those who have served.


“…appreciate those who diligently labor(ed) among you…esteem them very highly because of their work.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)


  1. Linda Dircks

    What a fabulous reminder this week! Thanks for bringing it up. It’s a shame that we only “remember” once a year … every day we should thank a vet! Praise the Lord for 1 Thess 5:12-13

  2. Linda

    Very sobering. I appreciate the reminder.

  3. Linda Christian

    Thank you for this vivid and moving reminder of all our veterans.

  4. Pam Bayha

    Thank you, Teri! ❤

  5. Martha

    They went as boys, came home as men. Let them know we are thankful for them everyday.

  6. Martha

    They went as boys, came home as men. Let them know everyday we thank God for them.

  7. Marilin

    I love to see all the flags reminding us of what our veterans were fighting for. May we never forget.

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