It’s Never Enough

Why do we continually accumulate possessions, toys, games, cars, clothes and STUFF?  We gather so much that our closets are full, our garages no longer have room for our cars and we rent storage units for the over-flow (which we apparently feel we can’t live without).  

Has it ever dawned on you that – though you may not have as much as you’d like – you have more than you deserve?  We could look up “enough” in the dictionary, but it’s a relative term, isn’t it?  Reading it in Webster’s is one thing, but living out the reality is another thing altogether.

Someone once said, “Give someone everything they want and pretty soon it’s not everything.”

My former college roommate will not buy a new piece of clothing without discarding (or donating) an older selection from her closet.  What an admirable practice!

Jesus Himself told us not to “store up treasures…on earth where moth and rust destroy…” yet we forget the part about “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”    Ouch.

Every breath you and I take is a gift from God.  Just try taking in many breaths and not releasing any.  Eventually, you have to come to the realization that you have to let one go in order to take the next one.

When you figure out when enough is enough, then you will be truly rich!

Naked I came into this world, and naked I will depart.”      (Job 1:21)


  1. Diana

    Were you checking my closets? I am working on it! Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Larry

    Another great word picture and urge to look within to see the One who gave way more than enough. Thx Teri

  3. I know I am rich. Having God’s word makes it so. Thank you Teri for each of your posts. Today is a good day and your post makes it even better.

  4. Thanks Teri. Only thing I need more of is God’s grace.

  5. Audrey

    Thank you for the reminder to “unclutter” my life. Blessings on you.

  6. Sandra Nagel

    Amazing reminder of what is actually important!!! Thank. You for helping me let go!!

  7. It really is weird how we -in young adult years – can’t wait to get more stuff, get a bigger house, fill it, then want to down-size as we age and as kids leave. It is freeing to unload it. I also notice so many more huge storage places….so many. Too much sits in storage. I also notice generational differences…..I see more young people don’t need/want as much “stuff”…..yet those in their 80’s and 90’s (those I know) have a hard time parting with things and keep it all until they must simply leave it. Interesting.

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