Is God Comfortable Here?

You’re probably shaking your head, wondering what in the world kind of question is that?  I heard something similar in a movie Dave and I watched recently and it struck me:  we don’t think of God being comfortable or uncomfortable, yet we very often attribute human characteristics to Him.  So, how about examining this possibility?  (Humor me.)

The Bible doesn’t refer to the Trinity as such but as we read Scripture we discover there are three aspects of God all in the One, True God we know.  The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit in the book of John as He attempted to prepare the disciples for His impending departure.  He told them that the Holy Spirit would be with them and IN them.  This is the additional gift God gives when a person becomes a part of His family through belief in His Son.  Paul says, “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.”  (Ephesians 3:17).
In the Old Testament the High Priest was allowed into the Holy of Holies – that part of the tabernacle that housed the Ark of God – once a year and then only after the proper sacrifice was offered.  They followed this to the letter.   There was an appreciation of the holiness of God.  Today we are much less concerned about such things.  Jesus came and died and for those who believe, He takes up residence in our hearts.  Hearts that have been cleansed making them a place where He can be “comfortable”.  Without that, He would not enter.

So, let’s take that a step further and ask some pointed questions.  Would God be comfortable today in the organized church?  If so, which one?  Would He be most comfortable in one denomination as opposed to another?  Maybe He’d prefer a Bible church?  Or, a house church?  Would He feel better in just a casual gathering of believers who came to fellowship and share thoughts from His Word and some prayer time?  Which?

How about in individual lives?  Certainly, He lives in you and me and those of us who know Him as Lord and Savior, but are there times when – even knowing the beginning from the end and loving us unconditionally – He feels less than comfy with our actions or thoughts?

Some of you may be balking at the idea of God’s comfort.  I get it.  But, don’t let it prevent you from seeing the point.  How might God be feeling about the world today?  Our society?  The church He started?  Our own personal lives?

The Word (Jesus) became flesh and DWELT among us (John 1:14).  When He died and was raised, He sent His Spirit, that we might not be alone.

If there were such a thing as God’s comfort, where would He be comfortable today?


“Moreover, I will give you a new heart and a new spirit within you…and I will put My Spirit within you.”  (Ezekiel 36:26-27)


  1. janis e purvis

    During my prayers last night- I wondered the same thing- how is God feeling about our world today? I keep praying for more people to receive God into their hearts!

  2. Larry

    Hmmmm! Hard question to answer but good food for thought! Is He comfortable with me?? Maybe not but good to know He still loves me even though He knows me!

  3. Linda Dircks

    May any discomfort be revealed to me when it occurs so I might confess and repent! This is an excellent challenge!

  4. Donna Richards

    What a discussion this might be . . . or maybe silence as we consider God’s holiness.
    When I think of Jesus’ walk on this earth, surely the early morning hours when he met with the Father were the best times of “comfort”.

  5. Marilin

    When I think about God looking down over our country, I sort of think of Luke 19:41. I wonder if He weeps.

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