Have you ever gotten disgusted with yourself? Wanted to run away from yourself? Kinda hard to do! 😉 I often get mad at myself for silly things I do. Or, stupid things I say. Or, not-so-nice thoughts I might have. (“Take every thought captive…” 2 Corinthians 10:5) Some days it’s tough being me.
It makes one wonder: how could anyone possibly love me? (I told Dave not to even think of going anywhere cuz I’ll find him!).
In the midst of all these frustrating thoughts I was reminded that God loves me and will NEVER “leave nor forsake” me (Joshua 1:5). It’s true for all of us. This is not an excuse for deliberately doing bad things, BUT…
We can do something colossally stupid – and God still love us.
We can stuff our faces with every food item around (gluttony) – and God still loves us.
We can tell what we call a little white lie – and God still loves us.
We can ignore His prompt to go and do something for someone – and God still loves us.
We can have a prideful thought – and God still loves us.
We can judge a situation without all the facts – and God still loves us.
And, the list goes on.
He’s given us His Son and forgiveness in spite of ourselves. We may get disgusted with ourselves, but He’s always there for us.
Because He loves us, anyway.
“How priceless is Your unfailing love!” (Psalm 36:7)
“His love endures forever…” (Psalm 118:2,3,4)
Ain’t it the truth?! Been there; done that countless times in a day. Thanks for warning me to keep short accounts; confess and correct my ways!
So very real. So very true. Thank you for the reminder and for digging up the scripture.
Thankful for a long suffering God. And thx to you Teri for the reminder! Needed!
So true! Thanks 🙂
I’ve pondering this- God is incapable of abandoning us as we were made in His image. (thoughts from a study called “Even If”)
Thank you Lord for putting up with me.
Thank you Teri for the reminder- He never gives up on us.
Dear Teri, thank you for the encouragement as I really needed this today.
“Amazing Love, how can it be,
That Thou my God shouldst die for me”