I Dunno…

Are you a list person?  I keep lists for all sorts of things.  As I finish a project, I feel good about crossing it off my list…until something immediately gets added.  How does that happen?  My children are grown and I’m retired!

Speaking of lists, I had an interesting thought the other day:  there is so much I don’t know, I can’t keep track of it all!  No list could hold it.  I ran down just a few things which you may know, that struck me:

How does a locomotive have the power to pull a train of 100 cars?  That’s a tremendous amount of weight!

Why doesn’t the sun burn up?  (Did I miss this in science class, or did I just forget?)

How does a plant or tree grow out of rock?  I see this all the time as we drive across state after state.

These may seem elementary to you, but what things baffle you?

In researching a few things, I discovered some interesting tidbits from academictips.org:

  1.  A snail can sleep for three years.
  2. Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
  3. There are 366 dimples in a golf ball.
  4. Each king in a deck of cards represents a great king in history:  Spades – King David;  Clubs – Alexander the Great;  Hearts – Charlemagne;  Diamonds – Julius Caesar.

How’s that for some daily trivia?  These may not be the most significant things you’ve heard recently, but surely there are things you have wondered about and just never pursued.  When we stop learning, we stagnate.  In years past, we had to go to the library or hope we had an encyclopedia handy.  Today knowledge is at our fingertips.

Questions are often answered with an “I dunno…”  Nowadays that’s code for “I’m too lazy to look it up.”  Never stop learning.  Unless, of course, you know everything already.  In which case, could you please answer my questions?   I’m too lazy to look them up.          😉


“A wise man will hear and increase in learning.”   (Proverbs 1:5)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, my! Now I’ll be thinking about all the things I don’t know all day! I’ll get scolded for googling on my phone all day! I love trivia –

  2. Larry

    Wow! Still lots to learn. Just think how much we have to learn from God’s Word. Question is—-How many times does it take going thru it to get it right? I guess an unlimited number of times. Till we’re home with Him. Thx again Teri.

    • Pam Bayha

      You really put a smile on my face this morning. It amazes me how you come up with these gems each week. God has truly blessed you with so many gifts. Thanks for sharing this gift of weekly posts and insights with all of us. I look forward to them each Tuesday. ❤

  3. Donna

    Thank you for the challenge to keep learning!!👏🏻 We’ll never master all there is to know; what a wonderful world.🤓

  4. Marilin

    Wow. I “dunno” how you think of all these things. I love them!

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