How Old Are You?

Kind of a personal question, isn’t it?  Along the same lines as, “How much do you weigh?”  Young people can barely wait to get older.  I remember when I thought it would be so cool to be 18.  Not only do I not recall if it turned out to be as cool as I had anticipated, but I can’t even remember being 18!  Time goes by so quickly; it’s a blur.  Of course, for my granddaughter, Emmi (five years old), a year is a fifth of her life so that might as well be an eternity.  For me, it’s a much smaller percentage (though I won’t share with you HOW MUCH smaller).     🙂

Some people experience a multitude of health issues which may cause them to feel their age.  Understandably so.  But, for those who are reasonably healthy, it’s a strange thing getting old.  I once saw a birthday card which read, “It’s weird being the same age as old people.”  How true.  Dave and I recall the years we drove out to see his aunt and uncle and their friends.  Now we’re the age they were then and we live in the same retirement community.

When my mom was in her assisted living home, she would often refer to those “old cotton tops” and acted like she was the youngest one in the building.  I couldn’t understand then.  I do now…

Plain and simply we don’t feel our age.  It’s a number and a big one at that, but it seems surreal.  My very wise mother-in-law used to say, “How old would you be if you didn’t know what year it was?”

A dear 80-something friend and I were talking the other day and she absolutely nailed it when she reminded me that our body ages but the spirit that lives in us, doesn’t.  It is literally forever young!  Thus, we can be any age at all and still be young inside.

So, let me ask you again:  How old are you?  And, does it really matter?


“Therefore, we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”  (2 Corinthians 4:16)


  1. Donna

    Thank you Teri for encouraging thoughts as we “grow up” and continue to learn at every stage of life. Wise words shared along the way are so appreciated!

  2. Linda Christian

    Wonderful thoughts about age. I enjoyed this perspective.

  3. Larry

    Thank you Teri for another encouragement I needed! Looking forward to eternity! But not just yet!

  4. Marnie

    We are sometimes as old as we feel or how we wish we could stay( young). I enjoy getting out my photo albums and looking at all the memories( when we were younger). It is such great feeling mentally and spiritually diving into all the “good times”!! Thank you for the reminder of each stage/age of life 🙂

  5. Sandi Nagel

    Great reminder!!!! We can be as old as we choose!! It is just a number!!!! I choose young!! Our grandson is visiting. Oh the reminder ! , he can jump up and get out of car in a flash!!!!!! 😳 yikes!!!

  6. Marilin

    I’m thinking of Phil 4:13 and Mark 10:27…….at any age.

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