How Many Times, Lord?

We just heard a very good message on the importance of forgiveness.  “Forgive as I forgave you…” the Scripture tells us.  Actually, there is an additional benefit to forgiving:  you don’t have to haul the offense around anymore.  Bitterness is a heavy load.  There are both physical and spiritual blessings when the load is dropped.

As I listened to the sermon (not the first time the topic has come up), I certainly couldn’t disagree with any of it.  Yet, in my mind there was a big BUT.  What if, Lord, it’s the same person who continually offends you?  Over and over and over…Yes, Jesus answered the question when  He said, “70 Xs 7” (ie, just try to keep count).  But, how do we do that in our humanity?  Seriously, you’re still reminding yourself that you canceled their debt (forgave), and they are doing it again?  Maybe it’s even a family member so they’re always in your face.  Family dinners, family reunions, holidays.

Truth be told, we don’t do this on our own.  “When I am weak, then I am strong,” wrote Paul (1 Corinthians 12:10).  The Holy Spirit enables me so I have to depend on Him.

Then, it dawned on me:  this is what I am to God.  A family member constantly in His face, continually offending Him.  Yet, He never withholds forgiveness.  John writes He will “cleanse you from ALL unrighteousness”  (1 John 1:9).

So, whatever offenses we face, He does, too.  Thus, we ask the Holy Spirit for a filling of His strength to forgive and we thank Him for showing us how.


“Forgive as God in Christ has forgiven you.”  (Ephesians 4:32)


  1. Linda Dircks

    Good word! Apart from the Holy Spirit it would be impossible… However we are convicted to “follow” Jesus and forgive. You’re right: it certainly does relive our mental, spiritual & physical state!

  2. Linda

    Forgiveness is not always an easy. But Jesus gave us hope! We can do this!

    • Marilin

      Thank you for the next to last paragraph. I never thought of it that way. Now I REALLY feel bad. But I am encouraged to see how I may do better, because being able to forgive also means being able to forget. God can, can I?

  3. Sandra

    Yes, I too was struck by the family resemblance…in His face. How could I, Lord?

  4. Marnie

    Trust in The Lord, always!! Thank you 🙂

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