Holding God Hostage

Are you someone who doesn’t subscribe to the notion that there is a God or that you might need Him in your life?  You’re doing pretty well on your own.  Who needs the crutch?  Or, maybe you have dealt with too many Christians who seemed “holier than Thou” or prudish, but whose lives didn’t really match up with what they professed.  In other words, they struck you as hypocrites.  And, church?  You think:  Isn’t that where they tell you how to live and then pick your pocket?

If this is your experience, then maybe you’re holding God hostage.  But, why blame God for what His so-called children do?  Did you ever do something your parents might have been embarrassed about and that could have done harm to the family name?  Besides, since when is anyone perfect?

Setting God aside for these reasons is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  Think back to a time when you met someone you didn’t particularly care for initially who subsequently became a very close friend.  Relationships take time. Why not give God a chance?

“…I will give them a heart to know Me.”  (Jeremiah 24:7)

And, to those of us who call ourselves by His name, maybe it’s time to examine our conduct and choices to see how they reflect on Him.  Are we drawing others to Him or pushing them away?


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Convicted! Thanks for it – here’s the other eye!

  2. Henry Munzinger

    I always pray, Lord shine through me always that others may always see your glory. It’s not about me, it’s all about God.

  3. Marilin

    Having a heart to know God is a heart which loves others. As God gives us a chance, let’s give others a chance.

  4. Todd

    🙌🏻 Amen, love this

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