Gum On Your Shoe

Have you ever walked through a parking lot and unknowingly gotten gum on your shoe?  You labor and work so hard to get it off.  What a struggle!  You try to scrape it off and then it winds up on your fingers.  It seems to have a mind of its own.   You may think it’s gone, but there will still be some in the cracks that will eventually work its way to the surface again.

What a picture of pride!  It sticks to us like glue and seems impossible to rid ourselves of – no matter how hard we try.  And, once we’ve convinced ourselves of just how humble we are, we have fallen into its pit again.  Pride, by definition, is “a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit or superiority”.   Synonyms include:  egotism, self-admiration, and arrogance, among others.  Of course, it’s more recognizable in others than in ourselves…

What are we so proud of?  Our looks?  Our abilities?  Our bank account or beautiful home?  God gave us our appearance.  He gave us abilities and opportunities in order to have a home and a bank account while we’re here.  But, looks fade.  Abilities change.  Bank accounts fluctuate. A house is a building; love makes it a home.  But, all of these things are temporary so why do we get puffed up over them?

Are there any exceptions?  Well, there’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your work if it means not slacking off but doing your very best.
The problem comes when we want everyone to notice how great we are.  Harry S. Truman once said, “It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we don’t care who gets the credit.”

Is there any way to deal with pride?  An attitude of gratitude toward the One who made us is a good place to start.  Comparing ourselves not to each other but to Him as we strive to be more like Jesus who “humbled Himself” (Phil. 2:7). Can this battle be frustrating?  Absolutely!  We can’t overcome it with a fist in the air, but rather, with knees on the ground. “Walk humbly with your God.”  (Micah 6:8).  Every day. Every hour. Every moment.

Oh, and the next time you get gum on your shoe, just smile at the reminder…

“… He is able to humble those who walk in pride.”  (Dan. 4:37)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    I am reminded about the writing called ‘The Footprints’. Jesus is walking with us every step along our way through life 24/7 365. Along the way you may look back on your life and notice only one set of footprints and question God, thinking God abandoned you. That’s where God says when you only see one set of footprints that is when I carried you. God never forsakes us he is always with us. I love to live my life, O Lord shine through me always that others may always see ‘your glory’ it’s not about me, it’s all about you Lord.

  2. Linda Lee Dircks

    What a humbling reminder! Keep in balance and take credit for nothing!

  3. Marilin Hyder

    I like your thought about “fist in the air” and “knees on the ground.” A great reminder even in handling our daily frustrations. Thanks!

  4. Audrey V

    Thank you for the reminder that when we do what we do for the glory of God it leaves no room for pride.

  5. Teri’s favorite son

    Pride is such a double edged sword. It’s great to take pride in certain things (our kids, our religion, our relationships). But too much in bad areas can is a negative thing. It’s a great reminder that too much of a good thing can actually be bad. Sometimes it’s tough to balance but this is a nice reminder to focus on what’s actually important and stay humble! I am guilty of focusing on meaningless things like WiFi light bulbs 🙄, who cares??….. Ok, who am I kidding? I do, I just have to remind myself that they’re not ACTUALLY important

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