Fresh Eyes

Have you had the opportunity to follow a child around lately?  Perhaps some of you do that all day and would like a break from it.  (I remember those days.  Enjoy them while you can!)  For some of us, it’s not an everyday occurrence so we relish the chance.  It’s fascinating to observe them as they move about, noticing so many new things all around them.  Life at that stage is all about discovery.  Everything is new and exciting.  My granddaughters were entertained looking for bugs while many of us would prefer to run the other way at the mere thought.

Let’s face it:  life can be tedious at times.  Repetitious.  Mundane.  Like the song, we may wonder “What’s It All About, Alfie?”  But, truth be told, what are we allowing ourselves to miss every day?  Is it possible to become like little children again and see the world through fresh eyes?

My dad suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease in the latter years of his life.  My sister-in-law had cancer in her final days.  One was struck mentally and the other physically, yet they both noticed things I was letting pass me by:  the beauty of the sunset, the amazing red color of a flower we passed along the way.  Do we have to get sick and face death before we can enjoy what’s all around us?

Kids are a breath of fresh air.  Maybe it’s time we learned from them.


“Let the little children come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”  (Mark 10:14)


  1. Pam Bayha

    What a good reminder. I really needed that today. Too easy to get into a rut of just getting the daily tasks done. Lord give us all fresh eyes. Thank you Teri!❤

  2. Cathy

    It’s so true! Lord, give me “fresh” eyes to see every day! Thank you Teri!

  3. Larry

    Thx Teri. A needed reminder. I need to pay attention. He’s placed wonders for us to enjoy. A great hope too for things to come!

  4. Marilin

    It was in the movie “Auntie Mame” where Rosalind Russell said, “Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.” That’s so true. From a biblical standpoint, God has provided everything for us, and yet, people are still aimlessly searching for what is right before them. “Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see Jesus.”

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