Fractured Faith

We work out every day to try to stay in shape.  It’s a current craze in our society.  Spend hours a week on some machine or “pumping iron” to stay strong and healthy.  Besides, it feels better than being flabby and lazy.

So, then, why is my faith so fragile and weak?  Shouldn’t it – by now – be fierce and strong, too?  When I see the WWF wrestler who calls himself “The Rock”, I think of strength and might.  When I see a little friend of mine, I see fragility and vulnerability.

How is it I can trust the Lord for my ETERNAL salvation, yet waver over the remainder of my EARTHLY future?  Aren’t several decades of study and walking with the Lord enough to have witnessed Him taking care of things?  Watching His faithfulness?

Schools and scholars refer to Intelligence Quotient (IQ).  Have you ever wondered about your TQ (Trust Quotient)?  How can we trust only partially?  Isn’t that like obeying partially?  Here I go: leaving a prayer at His feet and before I hit the door, I have picked it up again – as if it’s my job to worry about it.  Why do we try to INSTRUCT the Lord on how to answer our prayer?  His Word says:

“I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will COUNSEL you with my eye upon you.”  Ps.32:8

And, I am trying to tell the Omniscient One what to do!

How about confession?  Isn’t that, by definition, agreeing with God?  So, we “confess” the same ridiculous things (sins) – over and over.  I am like Pig Pen from the Charlie Brown comics:  I just keep wallowing around in the mud.  It’s like quicksand and I’m stuck.  How about you?

But, He is our lifeline, our life preserver, our life giver.  If you’re frustrated just reading this, imagine how He could feel – with all of us.  But, He doesn’t give up.  He just keeps on loving us – in spite of ourselves.  That alone makes Him worthy of our trust.

Thank you, Lord.


  1. Donna

    TRUST quotient- I’m so grateful God looks at me through the blood of Jesus!! Thank You Jesus for loving me so!
    Great blog Teri💕. “You hit the nail on the head”.

  2. Kathy

    Just what we needed today. Thanks Terri

    • Linda

      Thanks. With conviction I pray again today, ” Your will be done.”

  3. Henry Munzinger

    Our Father who art in Heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done
    …………for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen

    LORD, I love praying / talking to you all the time, thank you for being with me always.

  4. Linda

    Good word! We need to bee like Joshua and Caleb.

  5. Sandra

    And as we live this day that brought our CBS family sadness so early in the day, I am reminded that it’s God who works the miraculous ways. Only not always the way we would choose. But I will do my best to trust Him in all things – with His help.

  6. Marilin

    Trust and obey – there’s no other way.

  7. Todd

    Good call on the “TQ”. Really gets you thinking 👌🏻

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