Fill ‘er Up!

Life can be so draining.  Crises at work, craziness at home.  Demanding schedules and whiny people.  What is one to do?  Back in the “olden days”, you would pull into a gas station and tell the attendant, “Fill ‘er up, please.”  Without that important stop, the vehicle you were driving would have simply quit running.  How can we expect to keep going without stopping to fill our tanks?  “Stop and smell the roses” we often hear.  We nod our heads at the expression and keep running full throttle.

There is a reason God set aside a day for rest.  Who knows the creature better than the Creator?  Pause for even a moment occasionally and notice the moon which hangs suspended, shining to illumine the sky.  Watch a child discover new things and learn something about enjoying the “little things”.  Avoid the news for a few days and take a walk at sunrise.  Breathe the fresh air and focus on your blessings.

These and more will fill that depleted tank and help you keep going – with  a new and lighter attitude.

Fill ‘er up!


  1. Donna

    Super advice! It is easy to become so self-sufficient that life’s circumstances find us face down in the dirt.
    Thanks for pointing us to “Be still and know our God” who supplies all things well.

  2. Martha Emmons

    Thanks for the reminder to stop and fill up our tank with God.

  3. Henry Munzinger

    We can never get enough, ‘Fill me Up with Thy Word’

  4. Marilin

    And our “vehicle” needs to be refilled with the Holy Spirit each day to function as God would have us to do. (Acts 13:52)

  5. Todd

    Good reminder. When I was young I had two jobs and worked 7 days a week. Only took a couple months of that to get burned out. I can relate to this post and you’re exactly right

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