Feeling Most Important

We could probably all recall some event in our lives where we felt “important” – even momentarily.  But, fame of any kind is fleeting.  Ask an athlete past his prime or an actress who has long since lost her allure – along with her career.

My husband had a definite notoriety in our area during his 45-year career in the media, but there is nothing that makes him light up as when our 8-year old granddaughter chooses to FaceTime him.

Children are very honest so when they accept you, you know you’re important.  My youngest grandson is just 15 months old so when I visited a couple of times previously, he was pretty leery of me (maybe it was the gray hair???).  This last time, as I was babysitting, he actually became distraught and cried when I went up the kitchen (where he could still see me).  Didn’t THAT about burst my buttons?

A dear friend once gave me a card which says, « Jesus loves you, but I’m His favorite. » That’s true.  Each one of us is God’s favorite.  How much more important can we possibly be?   But, how often do we stop to express our gratitude, or show Him how special He is to us?

He’s our Heavenly Father.  He wouldn’t mind some of our time and attention.


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength…”  (Mark 12:30)



  1. Larry

    A lot of truth in that. Thank you Lord this life isn’t the end or all we’re going to have or all we have to look forward to. And thank you Teri!

  2. Donna

    Yes, we like to be acknowledged. You are good at noticing and encouraging me!
    Thank you!!

  3. Linda Christian

    Profound thought as always Teri. Thanks for the reminder

    • Marilin

      I thought I was His favorite!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    I’m relating to that today. He must get frustrated when we neglect to stay in touch. I’m frustrated with kids that don’t practice to “be in touch!” Maybe I need to look in the mirror!

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