Fearing the Future

Growing up, I had one sister and was raised in a family that was not particularly athletic, nor did we care.  Fast forward a couple of decades and, because God has s sense of humor, I married a sportscaster and had three sons.  I can still recall sitting at the dinner table and feeling it was like an out-of-body experience, almost observing myself listening to the continual banter about games, players, stats, teams.  It was like being dropped into a foreign country and not understanding the language.  A shock to the system, but a blessing, too!

When all three were grown and  busy supporting families of their own, I realized they would not enter my world, so I must enter theirs which is what brought me to become a fantasy football player in our family league.  (The first year, I even won the Super Bowl; I told you God has a sense of humor!).

The point is that we don’t know what’s around the corner.  We say we believe God when it comes to our eternal future, but then stress over tomorrow instead of actually living today.  If someone had told me I would have sons (and three of them), I would have told them they were crazy.  After watching a film on childbirth in high school, I had determined to skip the whole thing.  (Shows what I knew at the time)!

Jesus said, “Do not be anxious about your life”  (Matthew 6:25).  And, Paul writes “Be anxious for nothing…”  (Philippians 4:6), but instead “pray”.

In the course of life, we all hit some speed bumps here and there.  Some times are tougher than others.  Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation”  (John 16:33), but He also said not to worry because He had overcome the world.

My aunt used to ride the stationary bike at her assisted living home and when anyone asked her where she was going, she would smile and say, “I’m riding to heaven!”  Indeed.  That’s our final goal, but the God who loved us enough to breathe into us the breath of life and then sent His Son that we might have everlasting life, will see us through.  God never takes us anywhere He hasn’t already been!

Anyone who runs a race, keeps his eye on the finish line and the prize.  So, let’s not get distracted or distressed by what we see around us or by what to us is the unknown.  The One who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”  (Joshua 1:9) will be with us all the way.


“And, my God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:19)


  1. anne

    Thank you for this HUGE reminder. Needed it and love it. Thank you Lord and thank you Aunt Teri. Love you, Anne

  2. Linda Christian

    As always Teri, so thought provoking as I get ready to teach this morning. God has blessed me with your comments. Thank you for sharing your heart with those you touch

  3. Anna May Riddell

    Beautiful. Thank you

  4. Stephanie

    Reminds me of Corrie Ten Boom’s quote: “Never Be Afraid To Trust An Unknown Future To A Known God.”

  5. Sandra Nagel

    Thank you!!! Just what I needed. Love that verse!

  6. Donna

    “HE will see us through” . . .
    Appreciate the reminder of His promises, relevant for our day and ALWAYS!

  7. Marilin

    Confucius say, “And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.” I think that means you take yourself with you wherever you go. The constant is “you.” If you take God with you, because He is in you, then He becomes the constant. When we put our trust in Him, we don’t need to be afraid of the unknown. As you said, He will never leave us or forsake us. – wherever we go.

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