Faith: Pure or Altered?

When my boys were small, they played T-ball.  It was such fun to watch.  One of the kids on the team was so eager that he ran the bases, and passing home plate, continued on toward first base – until the coach stopped him.  Apparently, he thought he might pick up an extra point.  Or, in his zeal, he just didn’t know when to stop.  Dave once told me at a game that this was/is the purest form of baseball.  Hit the ball, run the bases, try to get the other guy out and let everyone play.

What happens later on?  Tryouts, more rules, competition.  T-ball is baseball before politics and pressure creep in and muddy the waters.

When it comes to church, we need to ask ourselves: what do we have today?  Religion or relationship?  Read the gospels and you’ll see that Jesus did not make it complicated.  It wasn’t a set of rules and regulations.  He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.”  (Mark 12:30-31).

What did He tell the woman who wanted to touch His garment to stop her flow of blood?  “Daughter, take courage.  Your faith has made you well” (Matthew 9:22).  He didn’t tell people to check this box and check that box in order to “make it” into heaven.  He said, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  (Matthew 11:28).

When Nicodemus – a Pharisee – sought Jesus out at night, he was told definitively,  “For God so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3:16).  Later, He says, “Truly, truly I say to you, he who BELIEVES has eternal life” (John 6:47).

In Jesus’ day the Pharisees thought they did it all right.  That everyone should follow their lead.  They had rules and regulations and boxes that had to be checked.  But, Jesus saw through the false piety, calling them hypocrites “for you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of robbery and self-indulgence’ (Matthew 23:25).

Merriam-Webster defines religion as ” a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices.”  Religion is trying to reach God in our own way.  A relationship (based on faith) is what God offers.  It’s available as a gift.  The relationship is one-on-one.  It’s personal.  It’s not complicated or encumbered with rules and constant pressure to measure up.   When we stray, the Lord Himself speaks to our hearts.

Has the “organized church” been a help or a hindrance?  It seems the church has veered off  from the original intent since the beginning.  A gradual moving away from what Jesus taught.

I taught Bible Study for over 35 years and I can honestly say that there are many things in God’s Word that I still don’t understand fully.  But, the main point is clear:  Jesus came, He modeled the life we can lead as we follow Him, He died for us and rose again to show us the promise of new life.  It’s not complicated; it’s pure and unaltered, and I stake my life on that truth.

Religion (man-made rules) or relationship (one-on-one with Jesus).  Which do you choose?


“For by grace you have been saved through FAITH and that is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”   (Ephesians 2:8-9)




  1. Pam Bayha

    Once again….So good! Reminds me to focus my prayers for those I love…not so much to get back to church, but to first of all to fall in love with Jesus and have a close relationship with Him. Thank you!❤🙏

  2. Cathy

    Such a good reminder….sometimes it’s easy to forget it’s not about rules and regulations, but relationship! Thank you Teri.❤️

  3. Linda

    Thanks for the good reminder, Teri.
    And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

  4. Sharon Elliott

    You are right Teri sometimes we get so involved with rules and regulations that we just need to love one another as Jesus loves us

  5. Marnie

    Play Ball!!! -by God’s rules 🙂

  6. Larry

    Thx for that Teri. Meeting with a friend (non Christian) on Thursday. Thanks for making the gospel simple!

  7. Linda Dircks

    So true … so simple … so wonderul! May we pray for our loved ones to have a genuine encounter with the living Christ and enter into that relationship!

  8. Martha

    I’m reminded of KISS, not the rock band but the acronym for “keep it simple stupid”. Help me keep it simple, God

  9. Marilin

    I agree with Martha. These days I think it’s so simple, people can’t understand it.

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