Even a Pebble Makes a Ripple

Have you ever felt like a load?  A worthless slug?  As if you accomplish nothing but involuntarily breathing in & out?  Maybe you’re retired and you feel as though you have nothing to offer and you’re just sitting around – as the saying goes “eating bon bons” and watching nonsense on TV.  Or, you’re a busy mom, feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, constantly trying to dig out of endless stacks of laundry and answering multiple “Why?” questions all day.  Our situations may be different:  some with no time to spare and others with hours to fill.  But, we may share a common thread:  “Am I doing anything worthwhile?”

Living on a lake every summer gave me lots of opportunity to hone my skill at skipping rocks.  But, it also gave me time to simply toss a rock in the water and watch the result.  I learned that every rock – even a pebble – makes a ripple on the water. 

So, whether you’re retired and bored or slammed busy, you have an opportunity to make a difference.  We all make choices every day.  Choose to smile or laugh with someone, read a story, write your story, share a memory, call a friend.  You may not even realize how far the ripple affect may go.  But, it won’t make any difference at all, if you don’t bother…


“So, then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men…”  (Galatians 6:10)


  1. Anne Marovich

    Wonderful encouragement. We can each can make a difference in another life even with one simple act of kindness. Even if only a smile, wave, call, or a hand. Love you A. Teri.

  2. Larry

    Thanks for the encouragement Teri. I needed that!

  3. Pam Bayha

    Once again so good, practical and timely. Love your posts and words of encouragement.

  4. Donna

    Thank you for being a meaningful ripple in my life Teri!

  5. Marilin

    Be a pebble for God.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    Growing up on a lake, I too was a stone skipper and I’m still making ripples!

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