Eternity, Yes; But, Tomorrow?

Humans are interesting creatures, aren’t they?  We often don’t make any sense, yet we think we do.  We profess one thing and live in the opposite way.  We complain about something in another person and then exhibit the same characteristic to others.  We get frustrated with a personality trait in someone and have no clue that we possess the same quirk.  We seem to have 20/20 vision when it comes to the frailties of others but are blind to our own.

My grama was an amazing Christian woman who lived out her faith and shared it with me – as well as praying for me faithfully.  I owe my faith to the Lord but also to her as she proclaimed and lived out truth.  When I came to know the Lord many years ago, I trusted Him for my salvation, knowing His death and my belief in that assured me that I will be with Him for all eternity.  I rest in that and find comfort in it.

So, then, why do I fear tomorrow?  I can look back on my life and see how God has always provided for my needs (and beyond) and how He has blessed me.  I read the Scriptures which promise He will never leave me (Joshua 1:9, for example).  I can observe how He took care of various loved ones in their final days.  And, yet…When I come to my senses and think about it – how much sense does it actually make -trusting God for eternity, but not for tomorrow?  He’s the One who gave us life.   He’s the One who continues to give us each succeeding breath.  He created the entire world and all that is in it.  How can I possibly question His ability to handle my next 24 hours and the remaining time He has allotted me?

Does anyone else suffer from this malady, or am I the only one?  If my faith were to be graded, would I even get a passing grade?

Each of us has only so many days on this earth.  Why waste them in fear of the future when we know who holds the future?


“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart…”   (Proverbs 3:5)

“…and, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:20)


  1. Cathy

    You are definitely not alone! Thank you for always encouraging us! He is Faithful!

  2. Marnie

    So very true! Why do we have so much comfort and calmness knowing the Lord is there for us, but seem to be unsure and have fear about tomorrow? When I experience this I continue to pray about my fear even stronger to The Lord. He is amazing and always gives me peace. 🙂 Thank you for your weekly postings.

  3. Donna

    I can relate!! Your honesty is appreciated.
    Trusting, waiting, working . . . For HE holds tomorrow. 🥰

  4. Linda

    Yup, I call it the boomerang effect. And, you’re not the only one…

  5. Marilin

    I have that malady as well. Maybe because He has done eternity for me, and now I have to live the present for Him. It’s the “me” I don’t trust.

  6. Linda Dircks

    Oh, i relate! How foolish we can be….pillars of faith!

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