
If you read a lot like me, this might refer to the title of a book or story.  But, in our world today, it seems to mean “believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment”, as Webster’s Dictionary defines it.  Our society is full of people these days “suffering” from what we might call Entitlement Syndrome.

Entitled to live with parents forever – which is a problem since parents don’t live forever.

Entitled to collect unemployment indefinitely – even when jobs become available and the person is healthy.

Entitled to take over a police precinct for an extended period and trash the building.

Entitled to vandalize or loot someone else’s business (someone working hard to support a family).

Entitled to an abortion even though vasectomies, condoms and the pill are readily available.

If you’re a parent, how long are you expected to take care of your “child” (a medical necessity, notwithstanding)?   Into his 40s, 50s and beyond?

If you were a policeman, wouldn’t you be grateful for a place to headquarter so you could go out to help and protect those in your area?  Shouldn’t that be respected?

If you were an unborn child, wouldn’t you appreciate a chance at life?

Before we get too proud of ourselves for perhaps not being in any of the above categories, how about feeling “entitled” to being offended when someone (figuratively) steps on your toes? How long do we haul that around?

What are we really entitled to?  Our Declaration of Independence declares we are entitled to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  It doesn’t say we are entitled to a free ride or the option to destroy life or property or to hold a grudge indefinitely.

Life – as endowed (gifted) by our Creator

Liberty – as provided by those who fought for it before us

Pursuit of happiness – which we find as we take responsibility for ourselves and help others, NOT by clinging to old offenses, but by treating others as we would like to be treated.  At the risk of sounding selfish in our perspective, does participating in any of these make us feel better about ourselves?

Where have you felt entitled?


“…appreciate those who diligently labor among you…live in peace with one another…see that no one repays evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another.”    (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 15)



  1. Cathy S.

    Thank you so much Terri! I look forward each week to see what the Lord gives you to share! Your wisdom and insight are so good to think about and “chew on!” Blessings upon you!❤️

  2. Larry

    A good nutshell summary of what’s wrong in our country today. Lord help me not to be one!

  3. Todd

    Good reminder. Something we are all guilty of, and I’m no exception. I get mad when Alexa fails to turn the lights on 🙄. We all need a piece of humble pie from time to time

  4. Linda Christian

    This is such a great perspective on our culture today Teri, thank you for sharing your Holy Spirit inspired thoughts.

  5. Martha Emmons

    Amen. Thank you.

  6. Sandra Nagel

    Great insight and reminder to all of us!!!! Thank you for sharing and helping us to be better!!!!!!

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    What a great scripture for this message! Thank you again

  8. Marilin

    As it is Memorial Day weekend, this is a good time to be thankful for the many lives that have been sacrificed so we may have the liberty to pursue our happiness. As we mourn over lives lost, may we also rejoice that they were not given in vain. May God bless America!

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