Each One Has A Story

We’re interesting creatures, aren’t we?  We think we know people, but do we?  We see someone in a store and immediately assume we know what they’re like.  We’re close to someone (or, so we think) – even an acquaintance, for example.  We see how they operate, how they treat people, but do we really know what makes them tick?  Someone we know does something or says something “out of character” and we’re mystified.

You may not totally understand me, nor I, you.  There are things about each person nobody else (but God) knows.  The joys.  The sorrows.  The accomplishments.  The failures.  The losses.  All these things make the person we each turn out to be.  No one has walked exactly the same path.

So, what’s your story?  Or, would you feel more comfortable keeping it to yourself?

As we look back at our own lives and choices, perhaps it might help us to be more understanding, patient and accepting of one another, knowing the other guy has a story, too…


“Judge not lest ye be judged…”  (Matthew 7:1)

“…accept one another just as Christ also accepted us…”  (Romans 15:7)


  1. Mary W

    Thank-you for this message Teri. 🙏🏻

  2. Larry

    Amen! Thankful for sharing your wisdom!

  3. Linda Dircks

    Good call. We often don’t give enough consideration to others; but wish they’d give it to us! Thanks for your insights!

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