Drop the Hammer

Someone once wrote:  “If you walk around with  a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.”

Think about that.  A hammer has one primary purpose: to pound the daylights out of the nail.  The main reason for walking around with a hammer, then, is to look for something to bash.

Have you ever started your day “on the wrong foot”?  Perhaps you experienced a night devoid of sleep so you got up exhausted and angry.  At that point you were a hammer, looking for a nail.  Anyone and anything that got in your path, experienced your wrath, deservedly so or not.

Maybe you had a bad day at work so when you got home (a home is your castle, right?), you “let down” and wound up crushing everyone in your wake.

None of us is happy-go-lucky all the time.  We all have down times, but our attitude affects others.  Isn’t it easier to enjoy a bright, sunny day than one that is gloomy and gray?

If you live each day with a bad attitude, everything looks bad.  It colors everything.  You might as well dig a hole for yourself and crawl in because you’ll miss the good in your day.  Imagine, too, what affect being grumpy can have on your overall physical health – to say nothing of driving away those who love you who then want to hide out to avoid “Debbie (Don) Downer”.

Let’s all try to drop the hammer, to stop hauling around our bad mood.  Won’t that be better for all concerned?


“A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but then the heart is sad, the spirit is broken…A cheerful heart has a continual feast.”  (Proverbs 15:13, 15b)


  1. Larry

    Wise advice and counsel. Thx

  2. Sharon Elliott

    You are right we must always try to be cheerful Drop the hammer

  3. Marnie

    Love it!! Thank you 🙂

  4. janis e purvis

    I always liked the line- live each day as if it is your last one! I wake up with a smile !

  5. Donna

    Great insight from the Proverbs verse; our countenance stems from the heart.
    Always appreciate your wisdom Teri!

  6. Marilin

    Good reminder that our attitudes have an impact on those around us. Let’s be kind. Put the hammer back on the shelf.

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