Don’t Hesitate

Have you ever tried to feed a toddler in a high chair who doesn’t want to eat or even try what you’re offering?  His lips are sealed and not even Hulk Hogan could pry them open!

That’s what it’s like sometimes trying to share the gospel with someone.  They just don’t want to hear it.  Trying to “force-feed” in those circumstances only backfires and makes things worse.

Scripture says, “No man comes to Me unless the Father draws him.”  (John 6:44) so it’s best to move on His schedule.  How do we know what that is?  By His nudges and the circumstances He sets up.

Am I an evangelist?  No!  Some of you may be.  We all have different gifts (1 Corinthians 12).  But, that doesn’t mean we can’t even share our own personal story when led to do so.

The other night I had  dream (and you know how real they seem).  A well-known figure was in my presence (for some unknown reason) and as he departed, I stopped him and said, “Sir, remember it’s God who rules the world.  Not you.  He loves you and invites you to come to know Him.”  With that, he waved me off and disappeared.  Forever, as it turns out, since he was later (my dream showed) on a boat that capsized, resulting in his drowning.

When I awoke, my first thought was “don’t hesitate”.  When God taps you on the shoulder and gives you opportunity, take it.  Only He knows how much time the hearer has left.


“He who has ears to hear, let him hear…”  (Matthew 11:15)

“Go and make disciples of all nations…”   (Matthew 28:19)


  1. Cathy

    How true! One never knows. Thank you Teri for always blessing and encouraging me with truth!❤️

  2. Mary W

    Wow! And Ouch! That really hit home.
    Thank you for the much needed arrow of conviction to my heart.

  3. Larry

    Thx for that Teri. Time is short. Help me Lord!

    • Sandi Nagel

      Excellent reminder to always be ready to share!!!! Time is short!!!! Appreciate you and your insight!!!! Thank you!!

  4. Marilin

    As has been so evident to me lately, life can b e snatched from you in a moment, so now’s the time to share Christ. Don’t wait!

  5. Linda Dircks

    Good word! We need to be especially diligent to pray for eyes to see and hearts to receive! He’ll leave the 99 to save the lost one!

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