Don’t Forget To Remember

I just can’t remember all the things I’ve forgotten!      😉       I used to think my forgetting was age-related, but then I noticed that even those younger than I also have a problem with it, too.  Even remembering a name stumps us all at times.  There are things we want to remember and don’t; and, then, there are things we would like to forget and there they are, seemingly embedded in our brain.

We’re being told continually to wash our hands (didn’t your mom always say that???), wear our masks and stay away from each other.  People are always saying things like, “Don’t forget your appointment.”  Or, “Don’t forget to feed the dog.”  Or, any number of things.  Do you keep a list of reminders in your phone?  Sometimes that works, but not always.  Has  anyone else ever “forgotten” something at the grocery store THAT WAS ON YOUR LIST?

God tells us many times in Scripture to “remember”, or the Bible says that such and such is “by way of reminder”.  He has always known that we tend to forget.  They (whoever “they” are) say that the brain has 10 file drawers and we don’t use even a small portion of the space which is weird because why do they seem to get filled up?  The problem is that they are filled with silly stuff and what’s important gets lost in the shuffle somehow.

A number of years ago there was a movie called “City Slickers”.  The head cowboy told the city boys there was just “one thing” that was important.  They inquired as to what that was, but he informed them they would have to find that out for themselves.  A friend of mine put it best when she told her kids as they left every morning for school:

“Remember whose you are.”

As His child, you are loved always and forever, unconditionally.  You are a part of His family.  He cares about you and watches over you.  No matter what your frailties are, He still loves you.  Enough to send His Son to die for you.  He didn’t even judge the woman caught in adultery.  He simply told her, “Go, and sin no more.”

You may forget a lot of things.  Just never forget that ONE thing:

Remember WHOSE you are and represent Him well.


“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God…”  (1 John 3:1)



  1. Donna D Richards

    THANK YOU for the comforting REMINDER that I am loved eternally.

  2. Henry Munzinger

    I pray…God bless me always, that I never remember, think, talk about what I don’t have to.
    Thy will be done O Lord. It works for me!

  3. Sandra Nagel

    Thank you so much!!! I love that: Remember!! What he has done for us !!! Especially now with so much confusion, he is the same !!! Always!!

  4. Linda Christian

    Lovely reminder about God’s never ending care. Beautiful pictures to set the tone. Thank you for your encouraging words.

    • Sandra

      Remembrance. May we never forget Whose we are. That being said – how encouraging to me that even youngers are troubled with high functioning skills in today’s world! Thank you, T.

  5. Thanks for the reminder! Love you! anne

  6. Marilin

    When we remember whose we are, we can’t forget why we are ……. to love, honor and glorify God’s holy name.

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