Do I Measure Up?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?  A previous writing on this subject was entitled, “Overcoming the # 2 Complex”.  In birth, I followed my sister by 8 years.  Friends of my parents would often say, “Oh, your sister is SO beautiful!”  This is not what a pre-teen needs to hear – especially repeatedly.  Ok.  So, she’s beautiful.  That leaves me with trying to be smart – met with mixed results.

Then, I met and married my husband which made me the 2nd wife.  Is there a trend here???  Plus, my friends all had some sort of talent.  Where was I when that line was formed?

Feeling like you don’t “measure up” can be tough.  The question is:  measure up to what?  Of all the football players in the country, only one wins the Heisman every year.  Not all of those go on to the NFL.  And, how many of those actually make a career out of it?

When my oldest son was in grade school, he played soccer.  His team got creamed the last game of the season, but he guarded his trophy as sweat poured off his face.  A neighbor boy implied he didn’t deserve the trophy but he immediately responded, “I got this because I TRIED.”    Out of the mouths of babes…

Who handles the scale that we place ourselves on, causing us to bemoan not making the cut? Often we are our own worst enemy.  God didn’t make us carbon copies of each other.  He made us unique.  He made you who you are and He delights in you.  My friend once gave me a small card on which was written, “Jesus loves you, but I’m His favorite.”     🙂

When I used to call home, my mom would answer the phone and shout to my dad, “It’s Daughter # 2!”  Eventually, I grasped that it was strictly birth order and not preference.  Having three sons helped me with this.  I do not love one more than the other.  Each one is different.  Each one is special.  Each one is my favorite.

Measure up to what?  If you  and I can be God’s favorite, what else matters?


“…for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.”    (Zechariah 2:8)


  1. Cathy

    AMEN! Precious truth! I’m His favorite! And…so is everyone else!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Larry

    Thank you for another encouragement and blessing!

  3. Sandra

    We are indeed our own worst enemy!

  4. Marilin

    With God, I am enough.

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