Death and Taxes

The mere mention of this and everyone writhes as if in pain.  The two things we cannot avoid are the things we most want to skip.  We all have to pay taxes or eventually it catches up with you.  And, so does death.  None of us escapes it, though we know not when it may come.

But, there is One who literally NEVER has to face death:  God.  Did His Son die?  Yes.  They pierced His side.  It was proven.  But, death could not keep Him in the grave.  He rose which gives us the promise of eternal life with Him.

God is alive and well.  He is the LIVING God.  He was living before the beginning of time.  Before the creation of the world.  Before anything else existed.  How can that even be?  It’s hard for our finite minds to grasp.  But, it doesn’t make it any less true.  In fact, He once told Moses in Exodus 3:14 “I AM who I AM” which translates to the “pre-existent One”.

God is not an idol carved out of stone.  He’s the Creator, not the creation itself which some insist upon worshiping.  He is a living being who is omnipresent, thought we don’t actually see Him.  He is the “same yesterday, today and forever”  (Hebrews 13:8).  He sees us, hears us, knows our thoughts and feelings (Psalm 139) and wants us to communicate with Him.  He loves us even more than our parents did and more than we love our children.

We often think God has disappeared (when it feels that way, who moved?), or that He’s napping or has gone on vacation.  When He “rested on the seventh day”, He did that to model that behavior for us.  He actually never sleeps (Psalm 121:4).  He’s the constant watchman.

Death and taxes won’t affect Him.  He’ll always be there for you!


“I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who was and is and is to come, the Almighty.”      (Revelation 1:8)



  1. Cathy

    Amen, and Amen!

  2. Pam Bayha

    Yes, yes, He is alive! Have a blessed Easter!❤

  3. Larry

    Amen. He knows us intimately and still loves us! Thx for the reminder! Happy Easter!

  4. Sandi Nagel

    He has risen indeed!!!! PTL. Blessings!!!!

  5. Linda M Christian

    Beautiful and moving thoughts Teri. Loved “He’s the constant watchman.” That feels safe and secure in this sea of uncertainty. Blessings at Easter.

  6. Audrey

    All praise to God, who is our Blessed Hope.

  7. Donna

    Beautiful truths!! HE IS, and HE cares about even me. Life abundant in Jesus🙌
    Easter Joy!

  8. Linda Lee Dircks

    The gift of eternal, resurrection life! Promise fulfilled and being fulfilled. His mercy endures forever.

  9. Marilin

    Death free, tax free, Heaven is the best place to live!

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