Code Red: Protect Our Children

Within this next month, I will have three precious granddaughters who will be going to public schools:  one, a freshman in high school (that locked down last year for an active shooter situation), her younger sister in second grade and another who resides in a different state, embarking on her academic career as a kindergartener.  These should be some of the most carefree days of childhood, but instead they can be stages for fear and confusion.  Reading, writing and arithmetic – formerly staples in an educational environment – have, in some areas, been overtaken by the “politically correct”.  Who decided what that was/is?

As a result of this “improvement”, our school performance has declined and we are no longer in a position to brag about our system.  I fear for my grandchildren.  I pray for their safety and for wisdom for their parents as they navigate the muddy waters and try to remain vigilant.

God made us male and female (Genesis 1:27), not male, female or “non-binary” (etc).  My husband’s eyes are blue; mine are brown.  We didn’t get to pick.  It’s how He made us.

Schools are meant to teach the basics, not confuse kids and throw things at them they aren’t prepared to grasp.

Please:  let’s not rob our children of their childhoods.  Let’s teach them they are made in God’s image, that they are loved and have a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  It’s up to us – parents and grandparents alike (the adults in the room) – to protect them, to teach them TRUTH, to love them and to pray for them.


“…guard what has been entrusted to you…”  (1 Timothy 6:20)


  1. Pam Bayha

    Amen 🙏

  2. Sandi Nagel

    Bravo!! Well said and prayers for all kids in all schools! What a difficult time for us! Please God protect!!!!!!

  3. Linda Lee Dircks

    Yes! Our system isn’t working anymore … it’s tragic and not just a little frightening; a lot frustrating and beginning to look like a waste of time! Thanks for the reminder to Pray!! fervently and frequently – continually. They lack of “God” education has erased our protections and continuity.

  4. Linda Christian

    Amen, may these little ones be able to be children!

  5. Marilin

    As a new grandparent, I am already afraid for the future of Baby Kairie. I pray every day that she will grow up to know and love the Lord as her own, and that He will guide her steps. And that God would bless me and Bill as we try to teach “truth.”

  6. Martha

    It is a scary time for our children. Basic education (facts) are being neglected for opinion.

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