Cautious, But Not Critical

When I was in first grade, I walked to school in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.  When I got to the crosswalk, I was so young and concerned with doing it all just right, that I didn’t walk between the lines, I walked ON the line.  I thought this was what we were to do.  I don’t recall (it’s been a few decades) but I assume someone eventually explained the purpose of the lines to me.      🙂

We often refer to there being a “fine line” we (figuratively) walk in various scenarios.  Some call things black and white while others indicate there is also a “gray area”.  In a previous post (“That Job Is Taken”  8/11/20), we talked about the danger of judging others.  We are admonished in Scripture not to judge “lest ye be judged”  (Matthew 7:1).

I have been known to claim I never worry; I am just concerned.  Well, we can also claim we don’t judge – per se – we are just being discerning.  That’s an interesting way to put it but, unfortunately, it doesn’t work.  Judging is by nature, critical.  Making an evaluation of someone solely based on appearance, for example.  Judging someone’s lifestyle without knowing anything about their background or current situation.

And, yet…

Didn’t Jesus tell His disciples

“…be as shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.”  (Matthew 10:16)

I have five granddaughters.  When they go out, I would want them to be wise and cautious and discerning, conscious of their surroundings and selective about the circumstances they allow themselves to be in.  I would  not want them to be critical (for no reason) of others.  But, I would definitely want them to be careful.  I believe this is what Jesus was saying to the disciples as He sent them out.  Don’t be mean and nasty and cruel.  Be kind, but be aware.  Jesus was warning them against “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”  They are still around today.  Satan “masquerades as an angel of light”  (2 Corinthians 11:14).  It’s worth considering and asking God for wisdom and guidance.  How often do we fall into judging, but neglect to be discerning?


“Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart.”   (1 Kings 3:12)



  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    I hate it when that critical spirit rises up in me and I don’t discipline it quickly! I wish I could say I didn’t worry, but I’d be lying. I need a more attentive watch-guard on my actions and responses!

  2. Larry

    Lots of stuff to look out for in this life. The biggest is myself! Help me Lord!

  3. Marnie

    Nice! Stay on The Lord’s path and worry about yourself. ( judge yourself before even judging others)

    • Donna

      Those 5 granddaughters are blessed to have a wise and praying Gigi!!❤️

  4. Marilin

    Oh, certainly, I never judge … I just observe!

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