Captive or Captivated?

Many of us get a check-up every year to find out how we’re doing physically.  We get poked and prodded, have blood taken and maybe a few other tests done.  But, what kind of spiritual check-up do we get?  What would the Lord – the Great Physician – have to say about that?

When couples first meet, they are “head over heels”, as it’s often described.  They can’t get enough of each other, wanting to be together every waking moment, eager for the other’s thoughts on every topic, hanging on every word.  But, check in with them in 5-10 years and what’s happened?  They may be married with children and jobs and lawns to keep up and the excitement may have waned.  It doesn’t mean they aren’t committed to one another, but the embers have died down.

Jesus found this in some of the churches.  To Sardis He said, “But, I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”  (Rev. 2:4)  and to Laodicea:  “I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot:  I would that you were cold or hot.  So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold not hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.”  (Rev. 3:15-16).  The people could relate to this because nearby there was an area known for its hot springs and Colossae was known for its cold, mountain stream.  When anyone came to get a drink in Laodicea, they found it tepid and blah and would immediately spit it out.  This was a picture of their lack of zeal. They were just going through the motions.

In my father’s professional life, he had occasion to speak at many conferences throughout the country and the world.  My mother often traveled with him as they enjoyed visiting new areas.  At one such event, my mom sat at a table in the audience, while my dad was positioned at the head table.  After dinner, as my dad was being introduced, my mom rose from her seat to leave and, in response to the stares of those at her table, said, “I’ve heard him before.”  Not a flaming endorsement, certainly, but it was the truth.  (Fortunately, my dad was often the one to tell this story and he always laughed hysterically over it).  But, we can ask the question:  captive or captivated?  There was no lock on the door, nothing that required anyone to stay…  

So, where does this leave us in our relationship with the Lord?  Are we simply captive, feeling like we are spinning our wheels, but, after all, this was how we were raised so we just plow forward?  We sit in church every week out of habit, we say “Grace” because that was what we were taught, we tell others we’ll pray for them, but then forget because what’s on our cell phone is more important.  We’re going through the motions, but there’s no real feeling.  It’s just what we’re supposed to do or what we’ve always done, a box we can check off.

Or, are we captivated still by the One who made us, who gave us life?  Do we think of Him the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night?  Do we communicate with Him at all hours because we know He’s always with us?  Do we want to pray and also listen to see what He might want to say?  Are we grateful for His many blessings?  Are we comfortable with the fact that He knows our hearts, that all is laid bare before Him?

Ask yourself:  what do I have?  A ritual or a relationship?  Am I captive or captivated?


“Let your heart be totally devoted to the Lord our God…”   (1 Kings 8:61)


  1. Cathy S

    So good Teri! Thank you for helping us to see the choice clearly!❤️❤️

  2. Larry

    Tough questions for us to answer. Another look in the mirror! Thx Teri!!

  3. This is a cute story of your parents! and a great illustration. Good questions for us to consider too. May I be zealous in response to God’s great love for me and drink in His living and abiding Word, that by it I might grow up in Christ Jesus.

    Thanks, Teri!

  4. Dave

    We met 45 years ago today …. still captivated!

  5. Dave

    We met 45 years ago today … still captivated

  6. Marilin

    Today is my 48th wedding anniversary. April 18th was my 43rd anniversary with the Lord. I am still captivated by the love in these relationships. Let’s never let our time together become a ritual. Stay Devoted!

  7. Anna May Riddell

    Walking with the Lord is always exciting and new. His World is always fresh and new. His Words are always a support to me in all situations. I see Him in the morning and I see Him in the evening.

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