Better To Have Loved

Who among us likes losing?  So, should we stop trying, stop experimenting, stop living?  I once had a book on my shelf called “Gaining Through Losing”.  How can that be?  If we lose at cards, maybe we learn to be a more gracious loser (can’t win ’em all).  If we fail a test at school, maybe we get a tutor or learn to study harder.

But, what if we lose a loved one?  That pain never leaves us because that spot in the heart remains empty.  Speaking of hearts, my eight-year old granddaughter was born with half a heart.  My son and his wife fostered her from the age of two months and then adopted her on her first birthday.  The doctors told them from the outset that longevity was probably not in her future.  They were faced with a tough choice:  would they focus on DAYS in the life – ie, put her in a bubble of sorts to protect her, hoping it would give her more time – or, would they opt for LIFE in the days.  They wisely and sacrificially chose the latter.  If the number of hours, days, weeks and months this child has spent in doctors’ offices, urgent care centers, hospitals and operating rooms were totaled up, I shudder to think how much of her life it would be.   But, in the rest of her eight years, she has learned to swim, roller blade, ice skate, catch a fish, read, write and tell jokes (which she loves!) as well as sing and perform.  She’s been to the mountains and to the seashore, to Disney World and on and on it goes.  And, she loves it all!

What if her parents had chosen the bubble, to protect?

“It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”  Spoken by someone who knew…

Renley Hope is living every day to the fullest.  Each of those days brings joy – to her and to those of us who love her.  Only God knows how many of those days she has (or, I have, for that matter), but we wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Many of you have lost a parent or a spouse or a child or someone else very dear.  Would you have avoided the pain of today by never having the joy of yesterday?


“Love one another…”  (John 13:34)         “Love never fails…”   (1 Corinthians 13:8)

In memory of the many we love who have gone before us, and with gratitude for those we love who are still here.


  1. Larry

    What a sweet little girl. And so nice to get an update and see her sweet smile. God bless her! And yes. Painful as it is I’m so thankful even as I remember the pain! Thx again Teri!

    • Pam Bayha

      What a precious little girl. Love her smile. Thank you for the reminder to love others with all our hearts and live each day to the fullest showing them our love for them.❤

  2. Pam Bayha

    What a precious little girl. Love her smile. Thank you for the reminder to love others with all our hearts and live each day to the fullest showing them our love for them.❤

  3. Linda Reidenbaugh

    Awe, loved seeing a picture of your granddaughter’s precious face and reading your devotional.
    Often times our family reminisce about the love, joy, fun, adventures our loved ones, who have gone on before us, left us. They made a rich deposit in us that still gives us joy.

  4. Martha Emmons

    Always choose love. 33 years of love was enough for all mankind.

  5. Judy Blake

    Beautiful. She is just the “bomber”.
    Thanks for a great reminder on how we need to live.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    Ain’t that the truth! What a wonderful story of love … they have laid down their lives for LIFE! Beautiful real life application. We can only celebrate life that is lived! Loss leaves us with an opportunity to remember the worth of life well lived!

  7. Thank you again for a beautiful reminder. Love you, Anne

  8. Marilin

    What a beautiful perspective. Don’t miss the dance. Life is precious, given to us by the One who loves us most. I am having a tear now as I think about my mother, my sister, my aunts, my cousin and others who brought so much joy to me and our family. They live on in my heart. Hmm, when I am gone, they won’t miss me like I miss them.

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