Behind the Scenes

My father-in-law passed away when my husband was about to turn five.  His mom was pregnant with her fifth child and she was only 35 years old.  She had a strong faith which enabled her to raise all five on next to nothing.  But, she was so efficient and capable, they never realized it.

Right after her husband died, she set aside some funds and purchased a large pulpit Bible which she donated in memory of her dear husband to the church they attended where he served as treasurer.  The Bible remained at the church for decades, though eventually it wound up in a box stored who knew where?  Churches merge or dissolve today which also happened at his home church.  Over the years, he communicated with several different pastors about possibly buying back the Bible or somehow obtaining it, since it was no longer being used.  There never was any response.  The last attempt he made was eight years ago.

That church has now, sadly, been closed and taken over by another in the area.  The last service was just a few weeks ago.  Just prior to the last Sunday, one of two remaining parishioners who still remembered my husband’s family, contacted him to ask if he would like the family Bible which she had found as they were cleaning out the church.  He had long since given up on ever having this personal treasure.  Not only did she send the large pulpit Bible his mother had donated in 1952, but she also enclosed some hymnals from the family and one his mom used when she played the piano for the kids in Sunday School classes so many years ago.

God doesn’t forget.  He is always working behind the scenes.  Even when we can’t see it or recognize it.   Always remember that, no matter how things may look to you.


“Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at His work to this very day and I, too, am working…”   (John 5:17)


  1. Pam Bayha

    What a beautiful and touching story. How precious that your husband finally has the Bible and can pass on to your children along with this story about his mom, their grandmother. From generation to generation God blesses His children. ❤

  2. Stephanie L Tunell

    Truly a blessing!

  3. Carol

    A wonderful example of God’s goodness to give us the deep desires of our hearts. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Larry

    Thanks for that encouraging testimony Teri

  5. Sandi Nagel

    Powerful! Love the reminder !! He is always at work for us!!! Amen! Thank you!

  6. Linda Christian

    Oh my, what a beautiful story of how God brings us blessings in unexpected ways. Thank you for sharing this encouraging story!

  7. Marilin

    What a wonderful testimony and how blessed you are to have this keepsake back in your family. God is good. He knows it all.

  8. Linda Lee Dircks

    That is SOOO cool! He is so faithful. If it means something to us – it means a lot to Him, too. I lost my confirmation bible in junior high school. 3 summers ago a friend from my distant past stumbled across it at a yard sale! He got it and gave to my older sister who still lives in the area asking her to see that it got to me! Amazing …. it still contained my first prom pictures!

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