Those of you who faithfully read this blog already know about my granddaughter, Renley Hope. Nine years ago she was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which basically means she…
As a Spanish major, I was blessed to spend my junior and senior years of college in Mexico. My dorm room overlooked the volcano Popocatepetl (meaning Smoking Mountain) which is…
Do you ever feel like you're on a merry-go-round and someone is spinning it and you just want to yell: "Stop the world; I wanna get off!"??? Years ago my…
Your heart is pounding. You're literally dripping in sweat. Your buddy next to you has just been shot, but you're being told to keep moving forward. Straight ahead toward the…
We just heard a very good message on the importance of forgiveness. "Forgive as I forgave you..." the Scripture tells us. Actually, there is an additional benefit to forgiving: you…
This is an old-time expression that is hardly ever used anymore, and it conjures up a picture of a stuffy old lady who has just received what she views as…
The first mirrors date back to as early as 4,000 B.C. Prior to that a reflection could be seen in water or from a polished metal on occasion. Later, they…
Our world focuses on numbers. Big numbers mean success. But, think back to your school days and one teacher who took time for you and altered the course of your…