Many years ago the Lord blessed me with a small Norweigan woman in my life whose name is Faith. Names often describe something about the person. This lovely lady…
My husband's career was spent in various forms of media: radio, television, play-by-play, producing, directing - you name it; he did it. In retirement, he produces videos of family events…
Does that sound like a reasonable question? It's probably one that has been uttered many times over the years, even centuries, by any number of people in various circumstances. It's…
While out walking one day I almost stepped on an anthill. Not particularly unusual, I suppose. But, as I looked down on those tiny creatures, I began to wonder about…
What day is it? We ask that of each other: meaning Monday, Tuesday... Finish the sentence: "What day is it TODAY?" After all, isn't that what we have? The here…
How can we possibly answer that question today? We have more information available to us than ever before. It's right at our fingertips day and night. There is so much…
Have you ever felt like a load? A worthless slug? As if you accomplish nothing but involuntarily breathing in & out? Maybe you're retired and you feel as though you…
Do you ever get frustrated? The other day, Dave asked me what was bothering me (when I didn't even know anything was bothering me. Ok. I miss seeing my family...). …