Attention: Old Folks Only

Young people are so busy with their lives:  working, raising a family, running here and there, they really don’t have time to concern themselves with wondering why they’re here.  But, those of us who are retired have what seem like innumerable hours to fill, and we spend some of those wondering with what?  We have been told if we have life and breath we have purpose, but when the kids are grown and gone, when the house is complete and the bills are paid, we may wonder:  why am I here?  Some get part-time jobs or volunteer somewhere which can certainly be a good thing.

I have a t-shirt which says, “The days are long but the years are short” and I find that to be true.  Sometimes I look at the clock and notice it isn’t even lunchtime yet.  Then, suddenly, it’s past dinner and another day is gone.  And, another week and month and year!    

We seem to think our purpose should be evident every day, that we should be doing something major.  Perhaps we miss the accolades we once received and now we seem invisible.  In that case, maybe we just need to get over ourselves and be grateful we’re still here when others we once knew are not.  How can I say that when heaven awaits?  Because we still have opportunity.  Opportunity to make a difference.  By the way, that doesn’t mean we won’t have days where, as my neighbor used to say, “Didn’t do much today, hun…”   So what?  There may be days like that.  We’re old.  But, in between there will be chances we are given to offer a smile or a helping hand to someone which we can easily discount as unimportant but may be just enough to encourage someone in their time of need.  We think any small thing is of no value but it is to the recipient  – and God sees it and is pleased.

We kick ourselves and get frustrated because we don’t have an official ministry or job – or reason to get out of bed in the morning.  My grandmother lived to be 102.  At the end, she couldn’t hear much and therefore, she didn’t say much, either, but she had a way of including others at the home where she resided and her smile lit up the room.

I didn’t live near my grandparents so I didn’t see them often, but that same grandmother had a huge (life-changing) impact on my life.  She was the one believer in my world who shared the Lord with me and lived out her faith.

We may not accomplish a lot in any given day, but how do we know what opportunities may arise tomorrow?  Our purpose may be to share with our grandchildren or to pray for them – and let them know we do so.

I never asked my grama if she struggled with knowing her purpose.  I was too young to even think of it.  But, my times with her were precious and, selfishly, I was grateful to have her.  We may feel we are contributing nothing, simply breathing in and out.  But, we don’t know how God may choose to use us as long as we’re open and available.  In the meantime, let’s relax and enjoy the day!


“Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for I trust in You; teach me the way I should walk, for to You I lift up my soul.”                                                                                   (Psalm 143:8)


  1. Cathy

    Amen! Thank you for your gift of sharing truth with us!❤️🤗

  2. Audrey

    Inspiring and uplifting. I needed this boost today. Praise God for His faithfulness to us.

  3. Anna May Riddell

    When my last child left home I wondered “What is my purpose, What will I do with all this extra time. When I retired from my job I wondered “What is my purpose? What will I do with all this extra time? Today I wonder “Now that my husband has gone to be with Jesus, what is my purpose, what will I do with all this extra time?
    Looking back I can see God’s hand in all of it. He has a plan for me, even now, even though I can’t see it. I have faith that He will still use me because as long as I live He will live in me. May I glorify Him every day.

  4. Marilin

    I had a favorite TV show where the star was the President of the United States, and his most frequent comment as he walked from place to place was “What’s next?” Today I am doing nothing….or am I? I am sitting on my lanai reading a book listening to the ocean and enjoying the trade winds, but I think I am actually resting up for “what’s next.”

  5. “We may not accomplish much in any given day but how do we know what opportunities may arise tomorrow.” This line really hit a nerve as I go through each day and wonder what is my reason for being here. This gives me hope.

  6. Martha

    “Sometimes the perfect gift to give is a simple little smile.” During Covid and while wearing a mask I came to realize that people couldn’t see my smile and their reaction to me was different than what I expected. Jesus is always pictured wearing a smile.

  7. Gee, I almost bypassed this since it said “old folks only”. JUST kidding!! 🙂

    Great reminder to make the most of daily opportunities however small they may seem. Sure glad your grama lived her faith and loved you well.

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