At The Thrift Shop

I love a bargain!  I can’t help it.  I think it’s genetic.  My mom could stretch a dollar further than anyone I have ever met.  My uncle once had the misfortune of taking her shopping in Denver and claimed she “pinched and felt everything from the 8th floor to the basement”.  I confess I take a certain amount of heat for it from some family members, but the Lord has chosen to give me a daughter-in-law who loves it, too, so we ignore the naysayers and “go thrifting”, as she calls it.

On these occasions I am fully aware that I don’t need another shirt, but who can resist?  On a recent trip to Texas, we simply had to go shopping and something niggled in my brain later about this process.  The clothing (and other items) in the thrift shop had been discarded by someone who no longer saw value in them.  Thus, they were tossed aside – what’s the expression – “like a dirty shirt”?  Yet, when we go in and discover something, it may not have any value in anyone else’s eyes, but it still gets a second chance. It’s taken home and washed bright and clean and gets a whole new start.

You and I are that dirty shirt that was basically “tossed away”, usually through our own choices.  But, the Lord God sees value in each and every one of us.  He picks us up and washes us off (with the blood of His Son) and gives us an opportunity at new life in Him.  The prophet Hosea did as God instructed and bought his roving wife out of slavery and took her home and back into a life with him as the wife of a loving and forgiving husband.  A picture of how God viewed His people, Israel, and what He offers to you and me.

A few days before my sister passed away, she was quite upset and distraught.  When I inquired as to why, she said she feared she wasn’t “good enough”.  I’ll admit I sort of chuckled and told her, “Get in line!  None of us is good enough.”  That’s what Jesus took care of for us.  Our part is simply to believe in Him and in His sacrifice.

God is a much better shopper than I will ever be.  He’s at it 24/7: always looking for that discarded soul who either has been tossed aside by others and therefore feels totally worthless, or has made some terrible choices in an effort to “take control of life” and has messed up (whether he/she knows it or not).

I’m grateful that one day many years ago the Lord did that for me: picked me off the rack, washed me off and welcomed me into His family.  If you haven’t been “picked up”, maybe He’s tried but you resisted.  He doesn’t force.  Don’t miss the chance to be a part of His family.  Some day the thrift shop will close its doors.  Time will run out.

If you have already been “bought at a price”  (1 Corinthians 6:20), share this experience with others.  God always has room for another “dirty shirt”.


“But, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.”  (Romans 5:8)

“But, I chose you out of the world…”  (John 15:19)


  1. Cathy

    Such a good analogy Teri! So true! I’ll definitely have a different outlook as I go “thrifting!” Thank you for always reminding us of the love our Heavenly Father has for each one of His children! We are blessed indeed!❤️

  2. Linda

    Great piece! And, I totally relate to it. Praise the Lord for second chances.

  3. Larry

    Great word picture Teri. Thx for that!

  4. Crystal

    Well said Teri. So nice He takes us as we are, but doesn’t leave us that way.

  5. Linda Dircks

    What a terrific analogy! Thanks, Teri. We’re so grateful that “ALL are forgiven!” We need only to accept that truth to know that we have a new family for eternity!!

  6. Marnie

    We recently had a garage sale and had many ” dirty items/shirts” to sell. I got so very excited when someone would purchase anything I was selling. It was like that item had new life or a second chance. What an eye opener you wrote today and makes perfect since. We all are “dirty” , but God gives us a new start and let’s us know that we are always enough!! Thank you 🙂

  7. Marilin

    Thank you! Great insight.

  8. Stephanie

    And just like that, my bargains will be reminders of God’s faithfulness! I needed another reason to shop! Joking, kind of. 😉 ❤️

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