And, There Was Light

She felt like a cloud was following her around.  Everywhere she looked there was gloom and doom.  Friends were battling health issues – or, dying.  Family members and friends had troubles too numerous to count.  The world at large was at war with each other.  Her own elected officials argued and fought amongst themselves.  If one wasn’t careful, dinners with family or friends could erupt into raised voices, each one trying to prove his or her point.

She opened the door to her workout room and, as she did, it appeared more like an execution chamber.  But, we’ve “gotta stay active, stay healthy”, they always say…

There was only one small window in the room.  The sun was just coming up so the room exhibited a slight pallor, a faintness of color.  She decided to turn on the light to illumine the room.  Forcing herself to begin her exercise routine, she started to notice the cloud lifting – ever so slightly.  Then, a little more as time went on.  Instead of feeling so defeated and discouraged, a sense of calm eased over her.  Even lifting weights seemed easier.

What could possibly have made the difference?

Darkness is stifling.  It has a smothering effect.  It becomes all-encompassing and overwhelming.  But, light dispels the darkness.  It overcomes the dark and brings with it a sense of comfort and reassurance.  Things are clearer and less threatening.

The Bible tells us that the Lord “turns my darkness into light” (2 Samuel 22:29b).  1 Peter 2:9 says He “has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”  King David wrote “The Lord is my light and my salvation.  Whom shall I fear?”  (Psalm 27:1)

And, so she realized that turning on the light made all the difference.  Everything seemed brighter, less oppressive.

How much better would our lives be if we concentrated – not on the constant pressures of the world – but, instead looked to (and trusted) the One who made the world and holds the future?


“I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness.”  (John 8:12)


  1. Linda Dircks

    Good word! Thanks so much for this lovely reminder. He has given what we need; a shame we often don’t relate to it. May we never take His light for granted!

  2. Cathy

    Amen! Thank you Teri for the great reminder!

  3. Linda

    I remembered what it was like when the darkness was lifted by the light. A reminder of such things is refreshing. Thank you, Teri.

  4. Larry

    Amen! As always, thx for the picture of our source of light in a dark world! Thankful!

  5. Manrie

    After each workout, walk or just a daily task I’m so very thankful for The Lords strength He gives me! He brings brightness to my day and nights. 🙂

  6. Donna

    It’s little wonder that my favorite time of day is daybreak!!

    Thank you for the creative writing!!
    Keep shining!

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