And, A Little Child Shall Lead Them…

My mom passed away in 2014.  A short time later in the same year, a precious little girl was born in Dallas on June 11th on what would have been my mother-in-law’s birthday.  This little girl came into the world with only half a heart.  Her earthly father was unknown and her birth mother (to put it mildly) had “issues”.  Sadly, this scenario in terms of parentage is not all that unusual in our world today.  However, because of certain advances in medicine, there are now four surgeries which can be done in this circumstance.  The first was done as soon as her situation was discovered.

My son and his family – Dallas residents – were on vacation when they (as medically trained foster parents) were contacted to ask if they would take this child into their home.  Without hesitation, they agreed.  The next year included multiple surgeries with long hospital stays, doctor visits and medications of various types and amounts..  But, they fell madly in love and we got to celebrate her first birthday before a judge who happily signed her adoption papers making her an official member of our family.  What a celebration it was!

When she was still an infant, her cardiologist wrote a letter to her parents explaining “longevity was not in her future”.  With every surgery, they have forged ahead, trusting God to lead them and provide as He wills.  This is how they live each day.

Over the course of her short life, she has endured too many hospital stays to count, surgeries, procedures, tests, infusions, oxygen, plus ingesting an inordinate amount of medication every day.  Rather than focusing on days in the life, my son and his wife have  chosen life in the days which has enabled Renley Hope to cram many experiences into her life so far.

Not long ago my granddaughter – now nine years old – told her mother she wanted to be baptized.  After church that Sunday, she and her mom approached the pastor to offer her request.  The date was soon set.

Now she is facing a heart transplant in a case that’s tougher than most.  But, on a Sunday in June of this year – her oral testimony first given on video – she was baptized at her church.  She came up out of the water to “new life”, as the pastor put it.  How different her life might have been had she not gotten good medical care and wound up in a family that loves her.

As I saw Renley give her testimony – more eloquent than some adults -and then come up out of the water, I was overcome with gratitude, again so blessed to have her in our lives.  She has been raised to know Jesus, and by her testimony of faith, should also give us the courage to follow Him.

Then the thought later came to me:  How can I follow Renley’s lead and pray to God about whatever is on my mind?  She will simply fold her hands and speak with the Lord about any and every issue.  She knows where to go with her problems and blessings.

And, what have I ever done that could even touch the magnitude of what my kids have done in this dear one’s life?  We don’t “earn points” to get into God’s favor and make it into heaven.  Jesus took care of that.  But, what have I done to respond to His gift?  Not everyone takes in a foster child, though Stephanie and Eric would encourage it.  Surely our paths are as diverse as we are.  Certainly it is not helpful to beat ourselves up over what we haven’t done.  But, maybe it’s time to ask:  Lord, help me to remember (as Renley does) that You are always with us, and then show me how You want to use me today.  It may not be a major thing, but help me not to miss it.


“Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.”   (Psalm 143:8)

“For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, shall not lose his reward.”  (Mark 9:41)

“And, a little child shall lead them.”   (Isaiah 11:6)


  1. Pam Bayha

    So beautifully written, Teri. I am in tears as I write this. Tell Renley that she is touching lives of people she doesn’t even know and that we are praying for her as she waits for and receives her heart transplant. She and your son and wife are an inspiration. Thank so much for sharing. ❤

  2. Todd

    I will forever treasure my text messages from Ren Ren that say “Hi, bye”. She is a true blessing

  3. Linda

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. God is always at work in our lives and Renley is such an amazing example of God’s grace. May her testimony shower others with God’s Word.

  4. Stephanie

    She’s led us all closer to Jesus!

  5. Larry

    What a blessing to hear about Renley. What a sweet example of true faith, childlike faith. Beautiful picture. Kinda makes my problems and issues pretty minor. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Sandra

    And again I say ‘Amen’. As well as praising God for the love and strength exhibited by Stephanie and Eric.

  7. Sandi Nagel

    What a beautiful tribute and reminder from Renley!! We pray for her and her new heart!!!!! Blessings to all of them !
    God is at work in all of us!!

  8. Marnie

    Happy tears!!! So beautiful to witness such love and grace through a child’s eyes and heart! Amazing story 🙂

  9. Linda Dircks

    She and her family are writing an amazing story of God’s grace and mercy; his hope and steadfast love! Thanks for sharing. It has been a privilege to pray for her and the family. They are a testimony to mankind!

  10. Sharon Elliott

    Thank you so much for sharing. Will pray for her and her new heart. s

  11. Donna

    Teri, what a beautiful expression of God’s goodness in the way your family loves this little child of God!
    Many prayers on her behalf❤️

  12. Judy Blake

    Thanks Teri, What a beautiful child of the King.

  13. Marilin

    This is so touching, it is hard for me to respond, my heart is so full. I wish I could put my arms around Renley and just say “thank you”. Over the years, through you, she has touched my life and I am thankful.

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