An Early Morning Lesson

I love to walk just before sunrise.  It’s so quiet and peaceful.  I’m grateful that many people are often on their cell phones using airpods.  It used to be that people often looked as if they were talking to themselves as they walked along but now everyone assumes they’re talking on their unseen phone.  So…now when I walk and pray, I figure I’m safe from anyone thinking I’m a bit “off”.  And, what an opportunity to spend time with God.

Heading down our street, I was amazed at the gorgeous moon that hung suspended in the sky directly in front of me.  It was full and ever so bright, lighting up the still somewhat dark sky.  As I continued on, I began thanking God for His creation.  All of the variety.  Plants.  Animals.  People of various appearances, cultures, languages.  All of them, His gift.

As I moved forward, it occurred to me that soon enough I would be turning down another street and would no longer be facing the moon straight on.  I turn; it’s now beside me.  No longer in the forefront.  I turn again and now it’s behind me.  Then, to the side again.

This equals my focus on God in any given day.  He’s at the forefront of my thoughts, and pretty soon I don’t “see” Him at all because I’ve tossed Him behind me.  First, front and center. Then, side, then back.  Seemingly forgotten as things crowd Him out.

But, He’s always there.  In front of me, at my side, behind me.  Left behind in my focus, but never gone.  I may turn away, but He never leaves.

What a lesson!  What a way to start the day!  And, now to remember it…


“I will never leave you nor forsake you…”  (Joshua 1:5)


  1. Todd

    Big time great reminder. Thanks mom

  2. LINDA L

    What a gift and what a dandy chance for a life lesson when you least expect it. Thanks!

  3. Greg

    Thank you again and again for your thoughts and God-inspired insights!! You are such a blessing!! I honestly look forward to ‘Teri Tuesday’s’.
    The Lord has gifted you.

  4. Larry

    A great lesson and reminder Teri! Thx

  5. Crystal Hamilton

    Thank you Jesus for always being there and thank you Teri 😉❤️

  6. Anne

    Amen. Thank you for the reminder. Love you!

  7. Marnie

    Amen 🙂

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