A Step Closer To Heaven

Do you ever feel like you’re on a merry-go-round and someone is spinning it and you just want to yell:  “Stop the world; I wanna get off!”???  Years ago my niece had a cute, little gerbil as a pet and she put him in this round cage-type thing where he would run and run and run as it spun around, all the while getting absolutely nowhere!

It seems days can alternate between being extremely busy to being excruciatingly boring.  Is there a happy medium?  And, I wonder:  am I getting anywhere or am I just a human version of the gerbil, running in circles?   There are aspects of the day which are always repetitious.  Sometimes that’s comforting.  Other times it’s downright dull.  Dave has certain catch phrases we’ve all grown accustomed to over the years, one of which is:  “You can’t have it both ways.”

Sometimes I think we complain and grouse just for something to do.  How pathetic is that?  At the end of the day I will often ask myself what I accomplished that day.  I withdrew 24 hours from my life’s account where I cannot make any deposit.  Was it used wisely?  Did I have any impact on anyone else (in a positive way)?  Our focus can make a big difference in our day and in the lives of those around us.  Being down and depressed is contagious.  It rubs off on others.  Instead of looking down, we need to look up.  God has given us life and breath and continues to do so.  He gives us time and opportunity and abilities.  Are we wasting them?  Jesus said:  “In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart.  I have overcome the world.”  (John 16:33).

I’m not sure God requires us to do something fantastic every single day.  He does want us to be available when He taps us on the shoulder (or, in my case, hits me upside the head!) and leads us to do something.  But, not every day is necessarily memorable.  Yet, the One who holds the future knows the number of our days.  So, as we take pleasure in what He chooses to give us, may we also rejoice that each one is a step closer to heaven!


“In My Father’s house are many rooms and if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  And, if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am there you may be also.”  (John 14:2-3)


  1. Linda Dircks

    Days can blur into weeks! Gee, I hope they’re not wasted. You remind me to carefully dedicate each day in prayer and practice to be sensitive to His leading! THANK YOU, TT.

  2. Larry

    Thx for the help and encouragement and reminders you give Teri. Time for a gut check! Easy to get caught up in busyness and seeming to be going nowhere in particular! Help Lord!

  3. Marnie

    Beautiful! Each and every day is what you make of it!! We can make our own memorable path along with God’s guidance.

  4. Linda

    As I read your piece, these words came, “Do I live selfishly or selflessly?” Hmmm…. Thank you for you giving.

  5. Sandra

    I can identify with that gerbil. I had one many years ago – an owl got him. Is there a lesson here for me?

  6. Linda Christian

    Lovely reminder that our days can be filled with the wisdom that only comes from the Lord. Each day counts…am I counting my days?

  7. Marilin

    Thank you for the reminder. God’s not done with me yet.

  8. Marilin

    Thanks Teri!

  9. Sharon Elliott

    Thank you for the reminder. God has blessed us every day,

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