A New Time Frame?

Think back to special times in your life.  I bet some things come to mind:  a certain birthday, graduation, wedding day, birth of a child.  Some events are just etched in our memory.

But, what about some other impressionable events?  What if I were to ask you where you were when President Kennedy was shot?  If you’re old enough to have been living then, you could no doubt tell me where you were and what the circumstances were when you first heard the news.  How about when the plane flew into the Twin Towers?  We remember these things.  They become embedded in our minds and recollections.  Then, we keep track of time based on them.  Pre-9/11; post-9/11…

Recently, (or what may seem like a long time ago), we have added Covid to the mix.  My husband went to the hardware store the other day in search of some very small part which he used to find in a bin.  Searching all over, he asked one of the workers where he might locate the bin with this specific part.  The response came in the form of a question, “Was that before Covid?”  Apparently, they are now individually wrapped and in another area.

BC used to mean “Before Christ”.  Have we pushed Him so far out of our lives that He doesn’t even mark time anymore?

Actually, each new year can remind us of the time frame.  Certain things stand out in our lives, no doubt about that.  But, a new time frame?  Nope.  We’re still on the same course.  Our times are in His hands and those times are marked by the One who created time.

Do you know Him?

“No man knows the day or the hour…”    (Matthew 24:36)

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…”  (Revelation 3:20)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Interesting that we can’t dump a bunch of small parts in a bin; they need to be individually wrapped! Expensive solution that isn’t a solution – grrrrr! People pawing through little wrapped parts leave the same “biologic contamination” behind for the next guy to handle anyway. Serenity NOW in the midst of insanity! Sweet memories have a unique way of keeping “past times” alive in our hearts!

  2. Marilin

    My dad used to get upset when I would say that “time is flying by” or “time flies” or “time goes by so quickly.” He would remind me that there are 24 hours in a day, every day, and one day doesn’t go faster than any other day. But then, he was a spoil sport anyway, and so miserable that all his days were long. God gives us the time He needs, not the time we need. It’s all figured out. Use it wisely.

  3. Martha Emmons

    Everything in God’s time.

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