Nothing to Hide

The youngest of my granddaughters have discovered the fun of playing “Hide and Seek”.  It’s considerably easier for them to find a place to hide than for Gigi since I am quite a bit bigger.  If I attempt to hide with the younger of the two, count on being found in a flash because her giggle gives us away.

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden by doing exactly what God had said NOT to do, they immediately began looking for a place to hide.  (Genesis 3:8-10).  Too bad for them.  God knows all and sees all.  He’s kinda hard to escape.

We may have things in our past that no one knows about.  Things that would embarrass us if they ever came out.  We may have had a negative thought about someone or even wished ill will on another.  We may think of ourselves as better than “those people”, prettier or smarter than what’s her name…Perhaps you have never shared these thoughts with anyone.  But, Someone knows what they are.

Confession means to “agree with” and that’s what we do when we confess to God all of our frailties and fiascos, our faux pas and failures.  His Word says that “nothing is hidden from His sight”  (Hebrews 4:13).  The psalmist also wrote:

“Thou hast placed our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy presence”  (Psalm 90:8)

Jonah tried to run from God and that didn’t work out too well.  You’ve heard the expression:  “You can run, but you can’t hide.”  So true.  Besides, running is a lot of work.  It never ends.

Good news!  There’s no need to run – except TO Him.  He knows all, but He loves, anyway.  The door is open.  He made the way – since He IS the Way.  Wouldn’t it be great to have nothing to hide?  Stop running.  “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden (from running) and I will give you rest.”  (Matthew 11:28).  Doesn’t that sound inviting?


“Therefore, there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”   (Romans 8:1)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, how true. I love it. The thought struck me the other day that God has each of us in mind always…continually. I think we can prove that when comparing the Prodigal’s story: the father watching for his return all the time! We’re each his favorite child!

  2. Anna May Riddell

    these days I find myself running to God multiple times a day. Sometimes I think I find Him and sometimes I don’t, but I Believe HE always knows where I am. He never hides from me.

  3. Sandi Nagel

    Praise God he knows just where I am!! So much comfort!!!

  4. Marilin

    Actually, it’s comforting that He knows ……. and loves us anyway.

  5. Thankful for His grace and forgiveness for sure! Love you Aunt Teri!

  6. You can’t hide but then you don’t need to. God already knows and loves us anyway.

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