
Is this for real?  Or, is it surreal?  Are we in some sci-fi movie where it will soon end and the credits will roll?  Everyone is in a panic – buying toilet paper in the midst of a respiratory virus. My son often says, “People don’t care about something until it affects them.”  I suppose, then, not being able to buy even what we call “staples” begins to affect us all.
We can’t forget that some have lost loved ones – from the coronavirus or the flu.  They certainly are understandably grieving. But, overall, our society is pretty spoiled:  going where we want when we want, buying whatever, whenever.   Suddenly, shelves are empty and places are closing.
Paul wrote in Phil. 4:11 “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am in”.  Maybe as we are being forced to slow down and stay home, we can actually have some family time.  Time for games or conversation.  As for those of you who know someone who lives alone, there are certainly ways to keep in touch.  Nothing like hearing a friendly voice or getting a note or an email.
A time to stop and reflect and be grateful for the basics may be just what the doctor ordered.



  1. Crystal Hamilton

    AMEN! Thanks for the reminders.

  2. Crystal Hamilton

    AMEN! Thanks for the reminders.

  3. Todd

    Wild time. My face masks (that are normally sold for $12 for a 50 count) were on amazon for $139! I think this sort of price gouging has since been removed, but it shows how opportunistic our society can be 🤦🏼‍♂️

  4. Linda Christian

    Amen to Phil 4:11…thanks for the reminder

  5. Paul White

    I just saw man 55 years old, healthy and living and working a good life. I saw his 3 rd bedroom and it was nearly full of canned food, preserved food and staples. I think he has enough to last them until the world comes to an end. I wonder how many people will go hungry because they can’t get what he has stored. Mercy. Paul White

  6. Henry Munzinger

    I love “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am in”. If people would take the time to check their cupboard, freezer they may have enough for a few months without shopping at all. except for like milk and bread. People need to realize they maybe buying something they really don’t need now, but someone who is in really need, does.

  7. Anne

    Amen. Our Pastor asked us to read and recite Psalms 91 every day during this time. Faith over fear. Thank you. ❤️

  8. Donna

    I appreciate this platform for comment on the times we are experiencing with the pandemic. Already I sense a slowed down pace; after all, our calendars have been wiped clean! One neighbor was out painting garbage lids that needed it, receiving much thanks. A Softer, kinder atmosphere is rising.
    Thank you for expressing what I was feeling!!

  9. Linda Lee Dircks

    Fear Not! We decry the media as it attempts to ravage our peace. But, PEACE comes not from our surroundings, but in the promises of God. Thanks for reminding us that our peace is eternal. I have been wading and bathing in Psalms from 87-92ish and lavishing in His promises with you!

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