Unbeknownst to Us

How aware are you of your surroundings?  At all times?  I often walk in the mornings in our neighborhood.  I try to go as the sun is just about to come up because I find it to be so peaceful.  We have an over-abundance of rabbits in our area so we also have coyotes who perceive an easy hunting opportunity.  Fortunately, they aren’t as interested in humans because of it.

Most of the time, I see a single coyote walking across the street a ways ahead of me and,  though he may stop and glance in my direction, he moves along in search of his prey.  However, three times lately, a coyote has sneaked up on me from behind (albeit, on the other side of the road).  They don’t exactly announce their presence so each time has sort of momentarily  taken my breath away as this predator slinks by me.

It caused me to wonder:  how often does God protect us from things of which we are not even aware?  How many times in any given day or week might we have been harmed in some way, yet we managed – by the grace of God -to escape?

Granted:  we certainly don’t escape every single calamity.  Some things – for whatever reason – He allows.  Only He knows the whys and  the wherefores of that.  Job certainly didn’t understand why his world came crashing down.  But, in the end, he was able to say, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”   (Job 13:15).

It’s those other things I wonder about.  Stop and think for a bit and I imagine there will be some things that have happened in your life where you may have realized LATER how God watched over you and kept you safe.  But, what about those times we have no clue occurred?  It wouldn’t hurt us to thank Him for those, too.       🙂


“…Your lovingkindness and truth will continually protect me.”   (Psalm 40:11b)


  1. Larry

    Praise Him even if…….Thanks for the reminder Teri! Isn’t always easy!

  2. Linda Christian

    I love the very real examples you use in your posts. What a gift you have using every day situations to show us new ways to think about our gracious and loving God. Thank you for your gift and for sharing so abundantly with us.

  3. Marilin

    We can take John 13:7 out of context and apply it to our daily lives with trust and thanksgiving. Even tho we can’t always see it, there should be no question that He is present and has a plan. Whatever happens, something went before it to make it happen. Is that God or coincidence? Or Satan? Whatever, He is working behind the scenes for our good. Trust and be thankful. He holds your hand.

  4. Teri—do you remember coming to the hospital after my stent in AZ to take me home and you decided to stop by the Asst Living first and bring Don with you? He was in early stages of memory loss and did not come to the hospital with me. After our return home that night, I learned he had found the hidden car keys and had packed a small bag of jumbled clothes and a picture of me. Had he planned on leaving alone and for where or why or did he even know? That night began my search for a safer place to move and find him better care. What might have happened had you not stopped by for him? ….I have so often thanked Jesus for His watchful care through that experience and so many after that. I hope I didn’t forget to thank you, too.

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    Ain’t that the truth! We are left oblivious to a great many threats because of His presence and protection.

  6. Martha Emmons

    We have much to be thank for that we know about, how much more does God do for us that we aren’t aware of. We need always to have a thankful spirit.

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