Oh, The Irony Of It All…

Our society has become less and less concerned with how it expresses itself.  People are using words that once were considered vulgar, but are now spewed out with impunity and with no thought to those who might hear.  Older folks, children.  It makes no difference.  They’re just words, right?  It used to be that some words were considered off-limits or reserved for a locker room.  That’s no longer the case.  Apparently, we have no respect for each other anymore.

But, there is an added interesting element to this current phenomenon:  these same people who feel free to utter whatever they choose without giving it a thought, are themselves offended by the single small word – sin.  Mention that term and people instantly become defensive.  The first response is to discount it and to wave it off as being prudish and Puritan.

How can such a little word be so offensive to so many?  The answer is that – underneath it all – it’s very convicting.  And, when a man prefers to “live life to the fullest” and do things “my way”, anything that might convict just gets in the way.  It must be discounted, belittled and ignored.  That might work in the short term, but it’s pretty dangerous on the long haul.  Eventually, we’ll all face our Maker.  Not a perfect example, perhaps, but think of a teenage boy who defies his dad and stays out all hours with Dad’s car, gets in a wreck and has to go home to “face the music”.  Eventually, the party’s over.

Most people want a god of their own invention.  Someone they fashion who sits in the corner waiting to be summoned and then performs their wishes on command like a genie in a bottle.  Maybe that’s why the old TV show was called “I DREAM of Jeannie” because it isn’t real.

We have a choice:  we can believe in the God of the Bible or we can reject Him.  We can cling to Him as being a loving Santa of sorts, or we can recognize that He is also a just God.  He made us.  He loves us.  He sacrificed so that we might be His children, if we come to Him in full acceptance that we sin and for that we need forgiveness – which He offers.  He’s done it all.  Our part is to admit who we are, that what we do when we choose to go our own way, rebelling against Him causes Him to be offended.  That’s right:  sin offends God.  Too bad if the word offends us.  That conviction can bring us back to Him.


The question is:  when will we grasp that we are not the offended.  We are the offender.  Time to get off our high horse and take a knee.


“If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves…”   (1 John 1:8)

“…and, behold, you have sinned against the Lord and be sure your sin will find you out.”   (Numbers 32:23)


  1. Pam Bayha

    You always have such great insight and “reminders”. Today’s was another one. Thank you for taking the time to write and share these bits of wisdom with us each week. I look forward to reading them each Tuesday. ❤

  2. Thanks for the clarity. It is so true, people use obscene language so frequently that they don’t even realize it. Last week I told a man that his use of a certain word was very offensive and he looked at me so strangely and said what word is that. The one that makes me absolutely come unglued is when they use the name of our Lord in an inappropriate manner. Then I really react and the room usually becomes quiet. I think the name of Jesus really brings conviction when used to honor Him

  3. Linda M. Christian

    Words to weigh in our troubled culture. Thanks for sharing your insights and God’s WORD.

  4. Marilin

    I’ve heard people say that “sin” is a bad word. Sin can be a good word if you recognize it in your life and that realization brings you to the Lord. I remember from the TV program “Rhoda” (you were too young!) she was telling some boys who were “testing,” using foul language, that “swearing was a weak mind’s way of expressing itself forcibly.” God is listening.

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh my goodness …. speak of “hitting the nail on the head!” Very timely & true. Thank you.

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